Chapter 2: Old Friends

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"(Y/N)" He says, almost breathless.

"Hey Anakin, it's been a while" you say as you crouch beside him. Your eyes then drop to his arm, "I can help you with that." Your eyes meet again for a second, then you turn back to his arm. You reach out with the force and heal his wound with incredible speed. Within seconds, his wound is healed, and his pain is gone.

He looked at his arm in disbelief when Obi-Wan interjected, "that wound would've taken most jedi hours to heal."

Startled, you turn to look at Obi-Wan. Was he there the whole time? You also notice Padme Amidala standing next to him. I wonder what she is doing here.

"Master Kenobi, it's so good to see you, and you too Anakin. I missed you guys so much!"

"Not as much as we missed you" Anakin said back with a sly smile. You both stood up to embrace each other. His hug made you feel so warm and safe. You reach out and rekindle the force bond that you formed as children. This bond made it so you could feel each other's emotions, and sometimes hear each other's thoughts. You felt his inner turmoil and anger. You reach deeper to see visions of his mother dying, and him killing the sand people. You then see visions of him and Padme together. You immediately stop the visions and back away, horrified and saddened by what you just saw.

"Are you okay (Y/N)?" Anakin asked.

You blocked him from being able to look into your mind. You couldn't let him see how you felt about these things before you had time to process them.

"I'm fine." You lied. "I'm just tired. It's been a long journey and I must go meditate now. I will see you when we get back to the temple!" You say as you walk away.

You find an empty room to meditate in and process what you just saw. Those visions of Anakin murdering the sand people were horrid, but if anyone understands the pull to the darkside, it's you. You were trained in the arts of the dark side as a part of your prophecy, but you learned not to let hate and anger control your actions. As the chosen one's guide, you must help Anakin resist these temptations to act on hatred and anger. You must forgive Anakin for his actions and let it go.

You quiet your mind in an attempt to meditate when you remember the vision of him and Padme. That vision bothered you so much. Why did it make you so sad that he found love? Probably because you always hoped that you would end up together. You were made for each other after all. Your heart breaks every time the thought of Anakin and Padme enters your mind. With tears in your eyes, you lay down and try to sleep.

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