Chapter 4: Sparks

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Anakin pressed his lips against yours, and it felt like a marriage of sparks, dancing together as one. His tongue and yours met with force as both of you started to breathe quicker. Your robes were suddenly on the floor, and soon after, so were his.

He lifted you up with his one arm and gently placed you down on the bed.

"Is this okay? Do you want this?" He asked, catching his breath.

"Yes Anakin, I've wanted this for so long."

Anakin smirked and removed your bra. He paused for a moment as he admired your body.

"So perfect" he whispered.

He moved his attention to your neck and started to kiss it. You squealed in response, and felt him smirk against your skin. He started placing butterfly kisses on your collar bone, then moved lower and kissed your inner thighs while making eye contact with you before making contact with your core.

"Anakin." You moan as you felt a surge of pleasure run through your body.

You take a moment to catch your breath, and then turn your attention to his throbbing member covered up by his boxers. He smiles then kisses you passionately as you remove his boxers, exposing his manhood.

Holy shit, it's huge.

"Don't worry baby, I will be gentle" Anakin said, he must have heard your thoughts.

He took you and you both surged with ecstasy as you both became one. You felt connected to him in every way possible.

He laid down beside you and grabbed you with his arm.

"That was amazing" he said between breaths.

"mmmm it was" you replied.

You both laid there in each other's arms until you both caught your breath. He kissed you then sighed,

"We should head back to the others soon before they come looking for us." He took a pause and looked at your body. "But we need to get you cleaned up first." He said with a sly smile.

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