Chapter 9

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You woke up to an empty room. The space beside you where Anakin was laying was cold. He must have left a while ago.

You sat up and saw a note on the arm of the couch addressed to you.


I wish I could've stayed with you,

but I needed to meet Obi-Wan for training.

Please don't be mad.

Maybe we can go out later? 😊


You had lost track of the time and looked at the clock on the wall. It was mid-morning and you giggled at the thought of having your first sleepover with Anakin. You quickly got dressed and headed over to your quarters to shower and put on some fresh robes.

You got to the door of your quarters and walked inside. Everything was just as you left it, except for the box full of new robes on the floor. All the robes in your dresser were way too small.

You grabbed a fresh set of robes and walked into your bathroom and saw that there were fresh toiletries on the counter. Sweet. You grabbed some soap, shampoo, and conditioner and put them inside of your shower. You turned your shower on, setting it to mildly hot and quickly removed your robes. You jumped in and sighed. It's been a while since you bathed in temperature-controlled water, and you had forgotten how nice it felt. You took your time in the shower and savored the feeling of the hot water against your skin. You had nowhere to be today.

After you finished your shower, you put your robes on and dried your hair. Suddenly, your commlink starts beeping like crazy.

It's BB-6

"Hey buddy! Are you here yet?"


"You've been here? Sorry buddy, I was busy and didn't hear you call me. Where are you?"

"Boop beep boop"

"Ok, I'm coming. Just sit tight."

You put your commlink away and headed for the landing platform. BB-6 was waiting for you there in front of your ship.

"Hey BB-6! Thanks for bringing the ship back!"

"Beep beep beep"

"Yeah... Sorry about that. I promise not to leave you by yourself on an unfamiliar planet again. C'mon, let me show you the temple!"

You took BB-6 to all of your favorite places. First you of course showed him your quarters so he knew where they were, then you showed him the room of a thousand fountains. Your stomach started grumbling and you decided that your next stop would be the dining hall.

You walked into the main dining facility with BB-6 right behind you. You jumped in the first line you saw, not caring about what you were going to eat as long as it was food. You ended up getting dumplings and a cup of green tea.

You grabbed your tray and started looking for a place to sit. Your eyes scanned the room and landed on Anakin, who was eating lunch with Obi-Wan. It looked like Obi-Wan was lecturing him on something, and Anakin looked bored out of his mind. There also just happened to be one seat at the end of the table next to Anakin. Guess it's time for you to save the day.

You walked over to their table and claimed the empty seat next to Anakin.

"Hey guys! Taking a break from training?"

"Good afternoon (y/n), and yes even the greatest of Jedi require a lunch break" Obi-Wan replied with a friendly smile.

You returned the smile then looked over at Anakin beside you. His eyes met yours before being distracted by BB-6's presence.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Anakin, Obi-Wan, this is BB-6"

You gestured your arms towards BB-6 as he made a loud chirping noise.

"Ahh so this is the famous BB-6. I still can't believe you built him all by yourself." Anakin gawked.

"Maybe later you can take a closer look, you might learn something." Obi-Wan said with a laugh.

You all laughed together and it felt like old times.

"Well, Anakin and I have to get back to training. It was good to see you (y/n)."

"It was good to see you too."

"See ya around (y/n)." Anakin said with a smirk.

They walked away and you finished your dumplings while listening to BB-6 rant about how bored he was.

You didn't blame him, you were bored too. 

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