Chapter 8: Thoughts

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Anakin sat down on the damp grass next you and looked into your eyes. If only you could freeze time for this one moment. His skin glowed against the subtle warm lighting in the room. His eyes were as blue as the water from the waterfall, and his hair shifted with the breeze flowing though the room. His smile brought you so much peace, and so much pain. You wished you could openly be with him without having to keep it a secret. You were in so deep with him already that you couldn't let him go at this point. He was sewn into your heart with permanent thread.

Were things moving too fast with him? You've only been together for one day, but there is something about him that makes you want to let your guard down. After all those years you spent secluded, he was the only friend who continued to send you messages. All your other friends eventually stopped, which made you feel completely forgettable. But even if he was busy, he always replied to your messages as quickly as he could. Seeing him now just reinforced your feelings for him. He was your closest friend and your force bond only drew you closer to him. You craved him spiritually, physically, and emotionally.


You snapped out of it and saw Anakin looking worried. How long did you zone out?

"Sorry Anakin, I was just in deep thought"

"About what?"
"Ahh.." Should you tell him the truth?

He placed his hand on your shoulder inconspicuously as you buried your face in your hands. You might as well tell him the truth. He will know if you lie.

"please, tell me."

You looked up into his eyes then immediately broke eye contact, shrugging your shoulders.

"I was just thinking about us." You said in a whisper.

He sighed and scratched the back of his head while smiling.

"Phew. I thought something bad had happened or something. No more talk about that here. Let's go up to my quarters and we can talk about it."

You met his eyes again and nodded.

He opened the door to his quarters and gestured for you to go inside. He walked in behind you and closed the door.

His room was dimly lit and the walls were filled with podracing posters. Anakin took your hand and led you over to a small couch he had near his window. You both sat down and he placed his hand on your cheek.

"Tell me what you were thinking about (y/n)."

"I was just think about how you were the only friend who continued to keep in touch with me while I was away. Everybody else seemed to forget about me. Even Master Windu's messages came less and less. I felt so lonely. I don't know what I would have done if you stopped talking to me too." You wiped the tears forming in your eyes then turned to face Anakin. "I'm so grateful for you and your friendship. I want to be with you, even though we have to hide it."

Anakin moved closer to you and kissed you on the forehead.

"Oh (y/n), I could never forget about you. And I want to be with you too."

Tears started welling up in your eyes again. This was too perfect. He was perfect.

You took his head in your hands and firmly put your lips against his. You broke the kiss as quickly as you started it. This time you were teasing him.


You laughed and walked towards the door to lock it.

"I just wanted to make sure we don't get caught" you said with a smile.

Anakin returned the smile, knowing what was going to happen next. 

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