Chapter 5: Steam

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Anakin took your hand and lead you into the bathroom. He turned on the shower as you shut the door behind you. Steam started filling up the room and Anakin took you in his arms and kissed you passionately. You returned the kiss just as passionate. Your hearts beating faster, seemingly as one. Anakin chuckled as he let go of you and moved towards the shower.

"You are so tempting (y/n).."

You were able to get a good look at his body as he stepped inside. You could see the curvature of each toned muscle in his arm. His abdomen was sporting a delicious six pack, and his ass was truly incredible. He turned around and motioned for you to enter the shower and noticed you checking him out.

"Like what you see?"

You nodded shyly and stepped into the shower with him. He embraced you and put his lips against yours as water cascaded down your bodies. You stopped kissing him then grabbed a wash rag and put soap all over it. You began to wash his body, paying attention to every defined muscle. You were gentle around his arm. It was still healing after Count Dooku chopped it off only hours before. He noticed your eyes dwelling on it and lifted your chin up to meet his gaze.

"What is it?"

He sounded concerned.

"D-did it hurt?" You asked.

"Yeah, like hell. But once I got to the ship, the medical droids were able to numb the pain. I'm fine now. In fact, they told me that my prosthetic arm should be waiting for me back at the temple."

He kissed you on the forehead and you proceeded to wash him. When you started to go below the belt line, he pulled you upward with his arm and softly kissed you.

"I think it's my turn to wash you" he said mischievously.

He turned you around and started at your shoulders, gently massaging them with the soapy rag in hand. Then he reached around and focused on your breasts. His touch made you step backward till your back was touching his chest. Every touch felt like magic. You moaned in response and he chuckled into your neck. His focus then moved to your stomach, your ass, your legs, and then-

You gasped.

That slight touch sent you into a frenzy. You closed your eyes, focusing on the pleasure. Until suddenly, it stopped.

Anakin stood up and left the shower smiling.

What a tease.


He winked at you as he covered himself with a towel.

"Later, I promise."

He left the room to get dressed and you finished up in the shower.

By the time you dried off and stepped out to get dressed too, he was gone.

Ugh. Guess it's time to go back to reality. 

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