Be my boyfriend?

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Warnings: Self harm, cursing, & smut.

Ethan's POV
I wake up to another day of hate comments. I know I'm a YouTuber and should take hate well but I don't. It really hurts because I get so much of it and it's all really mean. I throw on a fake smile and start recording.
E: What is up my cRaNkY crew?! It is Ethan from crankgameplays and welcome to a game called Hand simulator!
~tine skip~
After I finish I immediantly edit and upload it. I really like YouTube it's just that I get a lot of hate about my acne, my hair, I "copy" Markiplier and Jacksepticeye, I'm ugly, I'm short, I have ADHD, my voice is squeaky, etc. I should go downstairs and have breakfast but I'm too fat. I don't need to eat. I walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror. Ugly...
I open the drawer and pull out my blade. Relief...finally
I place it on my wrist and slide it over. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7 times. I watch the blood trickle down my hand and drip off my finger.
I wipe it off and wrap up my arm. I don't want anyone to notice, not that they would care anyways. I throw my hoodie on and go downstairs.
M: Good morning, blue boi!
Time to throw on a fake smile.
E: Hey! Good morning!
M: How was work?
E: Oh, not bad.
M: Good! Well, I'm off to go upload now. Oh and if you hear yelling...I'm playing a rage game today!
E: Okay! Have fun, Mark.

Mark's POV
Ethan seems down. He just seems like he is hiding something. I watch all of his videos and even in them he seems to be faking a smile. I've gotta find out why! I make my video and post it...except it wasn't a rage game. It was a heart to heart with my fans. In the video I talked about not giving hate. To anyone. No one deserves that and it can really hurt people. It's cyber bullying and it is wrong. After it posts I go back to the living room to look for Ethan but I don't see him. He isn't in the kitchen. I go up to his door and knock.
M: Ethan, you in here?
E: Um~sniffle~Come in...
I open the door and he is sitting on his bed looking at his phone. His eyes are red and his cheeks are tear stained.
M: Ethan, what's wrong? You've been down lately and I'm worried.
E: Don't worry about me. I'm nothing to worry about.
M: Don't ever say or think that. You are amazing. I care and I worry.
E: Why?
M: Because...I love you, Ethan.

Ethan's POV
Mark...loves me?
E: Mark...I love you too. I just didn't ever want to tell you because I'm a loser and look at you. Your perfect.
M: No one is perfect.
E: Your hair is perfect, your eyes are gorgeous, your beard is scraggly and looks perfect on you, you have so much muscle and skin tone and your just beautiful.
Mark stands and lifts his shirt, pointing to a long scar that runs from his belly button up.
M: Is that perfect? Scars?
E: They are perfect. You got them and they show that you survived.
Mark grabbed my arm and I winced but tried to cover it.
M: Ethan...
E: Mhm?
I was talking through my teeth because that really stung. I can feel the blood sliding down my arm again. I look up at him and he is looking at my wrist.
M: No...
He grabs my hand and starts to pull up my sleeves. He looks at the bandages and slowly unwraps them. When he sees my cuts tears fall from his eyes.
M: Ethan...
E: I'm sorry, Mark. I felt like-
He grabbed my cheeks and kissed me. His lips were bigger than mine but they fit together perfectly. He pulled back, tears still sliding down his cheeks and he smiled at me.
M: I love you, Ethan. Be my boyfriend?
E: Yes! I love you too, Oh my god!
We kiss again then I wrap my arm back up.
M: You need to stop...
E: I will. I'm happy now.
M: Good.
We both smile at each other and he takes me by the hand and we go downstairs.

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