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Jack's POV
The plane lands and we get off. I call a taxi and we go to my place. We walk in and I call my mom.
Mom: Hello?
J: Mom? How are you?
Mom: I'm...okay. How are you?
J:I am back in Ireland.
Mom: I asked how you were.
J: I know...I ignored that question.
Mom: Do I need to come over?
J: No, I'm here with Mark.
Mom: Oh...So nice of him to come. I hope to see him.
J: You will,We'll come by.
Mom: Thanks hun. Tell Mark I said Hi.
J: I will. Bye mom.
Mom: Love you, Sean.
J: Love ya, Ma.

Mark's POV
He ends the call and looks over at me.
J: Ma says hi and she is glad you came.
M: Glad your family likes me.
J: Yeah, and my mom has theorys about me and you.
M: Oo. Are her theorys right? 
J: Yeah...kinda...
M: What's all she say?
J: She thought we were secretly dating. She thought I had a crush on you. Aaand she may of seen me looking at you when your not paying attention...
M: Aww you look at me??
J: Shut up!
M: Oo! Jack looks at me!!
J: Shut it!
M: I'm always gonna tease you bout this.
J: Shut. Up.
M: Make me!
He jumps on me and kisses me. I kiss back and we continue kissing as I raise him and his legs wrap around my waist. I carry him to his bedroom and lay him down.
J: I want you
I smirk an evil smirk and flip him onto his stomach.
M: Hands and knees, Darling.
He does what I say and I unbuckled my jeans. I take out my dick and pump myself a few times then I slide inside of him. He moans out loud and I grab his hips and pull him towards me I time with my thrusts. After a bit I hit a certain spot and he screams out "AGAIN RIGHT THERE" I hit that spot until he came on the bed under him and I came in him. I pull out and cum drips off my dick onto his inner thigh. We lay down and put my arms around him and pull him into my chest.
M: Goodnight, Love.
J: Night, Marky.
~time skip~

Ethan's POV
I roll over and grab my phone.
E: Hey, Marky, What's happening?
M: Hey, We need to talk.
E: What's up?
M: I realized something...
E: Yeah?
M: I love Jack...I'm not coming back...
E: Your just leaving?!?
M: Yeah...I'm sorry. There is nothing left for me in LA. I am moving in with Jack here in Ireland.
E: Your breaking up with me for that Irish bastard?
M: Don't call him that.
E: Why? It's the truth!
M: I'm not changing my mind. Goodbye, Ethan.
E: I love you.
M: I love you too.

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