First time

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Mark's POV
The plane lands and we get off and get our stuff. We go out and call an Uber. When we arrive at his house we go in and sit for a while, The funeral is in a week.
J: My mom just texted me, She said we are having a family gathering/dinner tomorrow at noon.
M: Alright...
I put an arm around him and he snuggles into my side.
J: They'll be glad you came. They all like you.
M: Won't they be suspicious?
J: They can deal with it.
I kiss his head and pull him closer. We soon dose off on the couch cuddling.

Jack's POV
I wake up laying on Mark on the couch. He is awake and playing with my hair. I look up at him and he blushes.
M: Sorry, Did I wake you?
J: No, Just woke up.
M: Well, Goodmorning.
J: Morning.
M: That's the 17th call.
J: Is it Ethan?
M: Yeah.
I grab his phone and answer.
E: I've called so many times!
J: 17 times to be exact.
E: Jack?
J: Mhm. Mark is busy.
E: Doing what?
J: Just busy. We have a dinner/gathering thing with my family so we will be extra busy. We are changing right now and he will text you when our day is over.
E: Wait! Ja-
I end the call and hand the phone to Mark.
M: Been in competition with him a while, huh?
J: Yeah I really have.
M: Well you win.
J: He won first.
M: Aw how can I make it up to you?

Mark's POV
I bit my lip. He looks at me.
M: Come on, What can I do?
He licks his lips and stares at mine. I put our lips together and we start making out. When we pull apart I go close to his ear and whisper "Is that all you truly want". He tenses and shivers. I put my hand on his jean-waistband and lightly pull. Immediantly you can see a tent grow in his jeans. They are tight. Too tight.   I unbutton them and shimmy them down. He is wearing cute little black and green Septiceye Sam boxers.
I pull them down and put my hand around his dick. He is really big. Really really big. I start to pump and I put my mouth around his tip. I suck him for a while then turn him over and take my dick out.
M: Are you ready?
J: Mark...This id my first...
M: It's easy. I'll take it slow.
J: Okay...
I lean my face down and lick his entrance. He moans arches his back a little. I press my tip against it and look up at him as I slowly ease in.
M: It's gonna hurt...
J: Okay, I'm ready.
I push in an inch. He kinda groans. I push in another inch.
His back arches and he yells.
M: Want me to stop?
He shakes his head no so I go in another bit. Then the rest of the way. He yells out again, This time you can tell it's out if pleasure. After a while of Jack loudly moaning my name I came in his ass.
J: Oh-ooh.
I reach under him and pump him a few times and he cums in my hand. I go and get a damp towel and clean him up and I wash my hand. I lay with him on the couch and he falls asleep.

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