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Warnings: Smut, cursing
Ethan's POV
~~next day~~
I wake up in Mark's arms and I smile to myself. I wiggle out of his grasp and go down to upload a video.
E: What is up my cRaNkY crew! It's Ethan from crankgameplays and today I am in an extraordinary mood! So let's play some- ~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~
I edit and post the video.
E: Must be playing a rage game...
I giggle to myself and sneak down the hall and crack the door to his studio. He is playing getting over it and I know the camera can see me peeking in. I sneak fully into the room and he still hasn't noticed.
I walk up behind him and kiss his cheek. His face turns bright red and I laugh.
E: We are GAYYYYY!!!!
I scream to the camera and Mark looks at me.
M: Yep. Crankiplier awayyyy!!!!!
We actually kiss then I leave him to his game.
E: lunch will be made when your finished.
M: Thanks boo!
E: No prob
I go and start cooking the noodles for speghetti. Then u heat up the sauce and just on time Mark comes in as I'm putting the food evenly on plates.
He walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.
M: Smells delicious.
E: I'm glad
He kisses my shoulder and let's me free of his grasp so we can sit and eat. He sits across from me and he tries to be funny and slurp up a noodle but instead he chokes himself and starts coughing. I laugh at him, knowing he is fine.
M: Shut up!
He laughs as he trys to act mad.
E: Aw, did Babyiplier get his feelings hurt?
He flashes me his puppy eyes and I melt.
E: Aww. Darling. You look so cute.
M: I'm not cute. I'm big and bad!
E: The only thing big about you is yiur head.
M: My dick is big too...
E: You wish.
He looks at me and I see the flash of dark in his eyes. He stands and whips it out. My eyes are glued to it. He is naturally 8 1/2. Holy shit.
M: You should see it fully erect. It's 9 when I got a boner.
I accidentally bite my lip. It turns him on. He quickly puts it back in his pants and j feel my face get red.
M: Told you so.
E: Y-you were r-right...
M: Stutter stutter.
He chuckles at me and I blush even harder. After we finish eating he does the dishes while I choose something to watch on Netflix.
M: ooh a little Netflix and chill?
E: Mhm. Scary or sad?
M: Scary
E: Oh god okay...
M: Let me choose!
He snatches the remote ad makes me turn away. After he is done we sit down and he still won't tell me what it is.

Mark's POV
I chose scary so we could cuddle up more and I chose the movie with the most jumpscares: IT.
When it comes on Ethan realises what it is and soon grows shaky.
E: I heard this one was scary...
M: too.
I giggle alittle and we hold hands. He lays his head on my chest as we watch. The first jumpscares happens and I jump a little but he full on squirms in my lap.
E: Jesus!
M: It's okay, baby.
We cuddle again and the movie goes on. Jumpscare.
E: AH!
M: Oh god!
E: Fuck!
I giggle and he glanced at me.
M: Sorry...Your just so cute.
He is now sitting on my lap and I am hard as a rock. He can probably feel it but maybe not. Then he jumps again and I shift. It's sticking up. He feels it. He smirks and starts grinding his ass on my dick. Oh the friction feels good. I love this. I start grinding back ans causing more pressure.
I let out a small moan and he leans forward. He crawls off of me and faces his but towards me. I get on my knees on the couch and press against him. I pull his shorts down then mine. Then his boxers. Then I take my dick out.
M: You ready?
E: Yes, just...go slow.
M: I'll be gentle, I swear.
I push into him. Slowly so i dotn hurt him. I stop and let him adjust.
E: Now...
I move in and out and he groans.
M: You good?
E: Fast. Hard.
M: Oh is that how you like it?
E: Oh so hard, please.
I don't hesitate. I slam in and out of him and we don't have lube so this has to hurt but he is telling me to. The faster I go the more his body bounces forwards with every thrust.
M: Say daddy.
E: Daddy please
M: Please what?
E: Harder.
I do as he pleads and he screams out.
E: Ahg oh!
He sprays all over the sheets and I slow down. I thrust in slowly then one last one and I fill him with cum.
E: O-oh ...
M: Feels...good...
We were both out if breath
E: Nap...time....please.
M: Okay, Kitten.
I pick him up and carry him to our room. We lay down and go to sleep.
M: Night babe.
E: G'night, muffin.

Crankiplier/SeptiplierWhere stories live. Discover now