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Jack's POV
When I wake up I smell pancakes. I try to stand but kinda fall/stumble back over to the bed. God, my ass and legs hurt...
Mark walks in holding a plate and he looks at me and giggles.
M: You tried to stand, didn't you?
I nod and laugh at myself.
M: Well, I brought you breakfast.
I sit up as best as I can and take the plate from him. He sits next to me and smiles while I enjoy my meal. I cut off a price of pancake and stab it, then hold it up Infront of him. He opens his mouth and I feed him.
M: Hmm. I'm a good chef.
J: Yeah, you are.
I lean up and kiss his nose and he smiles and leans his forehead against mine.
M: Listen, Baby...I can't stay here.
J: What...?
M: I love you so much...
J: Mark, Why can't you stay?
He kisses my forehead and gets up. I try and stand after him but I fall against the dresser and hold myself up.
M: I love you...
J: Mark-
He starts walking out and I call out 'I love you too'. Why is he leaving? Is he going back for Ethan? Where is he going? Why leave now? Then my phone rings. I answer the call and it's my mom.
Mom: Hello, Darling. Just checking up on you.
J: I'm fine. H'Bout you?
Mom: Not so good...
J: I'll be over in an hour or two. Gotta shower, get cleaned up.
Mom: Thanks, Sean. I love you.
J: Love ya too, Ma.

Mark's POV
I get In my car and go back to the airport. Only one tear escaped as I drove away from Sean. I truly love him...but I have to go back. My best friend...the person I've had a crush on since 3rd-well...he says 4th I say 3rd grade-The person I've had a crush on since third grade is still in LA. I need to tell him how I feel. I love him...
I love him more than I've ever loved anyone. I love him more than the moon, the stars, the oceans and the lakes. He is mine. I love him because of his smile. His eyes. He is taller than me and yeah...makes fun of me for it alot but that's all fun and games. I love him so much.

Ethan's POV
Hours later, I'm sitting on the couch and I hear a knock on the door. When I open it, Mark is standing there.
E: Why are you here?
M: I need some clothes...
I let him in and tell him to go straight upstairs and everything is where he left it. I'm super pissed and not even trying to hide my attitude. He left for a day. Left me for Sean. And he is just back? Asking for clothes?

Mark's POV
I go up to me and Ethan's old room. Yep, Everything is in place. I grab my lucky flannel, black jeans, and back/white converses.
I fluff up my hair and walk downstairs.
M: Look, I'm sorry I had to come by and bother you like this.
E: Are you done here?
M: Yeah.
E: Then leave.
M: Sure thing...
I close the door behind me and walk down the street. Tyler's house is only a few blocks away...
Now, Reader...You are probably wondering "Why did Mark go with Jack if he lived someone else???" Well, that is because I didn't want to execpt the fact that I loved Tyler...But I got to thinking about it and I just had to come home.
I look up and I'm on Tyler's street. His house is two down. I rush to his steps and stand at his door, hesitant to knock. When I do he answers and greets me with that smile.
T: Mark! I thought you left! 
He hugs me and I hug back.
M: I couldn't just leave...I had to come home.
T: So are you ans Jack still together?
M: No...I love someone else so I came back. It was a mistake going with him and trying to deny my feelings...
T: Aw. That's okay, Maybe I can help you out.
We go in and sit down. He puts an arm around me and I snuggled into his chest. He turns on a movie and we watch Netflix for a while.

Tyler's POV
I look down and Mark is asleep on my chest. How cute. I pull him tighter to me and smile again at his cute little snores and occasional movement.
Wait...he said he loved someone else that was HERE...and he came back to ME. Does he finally love me back? Finally...

Crankiplier/SeptiplierWhere stories live. Discover now