End: Tyler And Mark

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Jack's POV
I've texted Mark so many times...
Why would he leave after what we did...Did he go back to Ethan? Did I do something wrong? I should text Ethan...
J: Ethan...I'm really sorry about everything...
E: Jack...Are you actually texting me right now?
J: Listen...I'm just worried about Mark. He left...
E: Yeah. He came back. Got some clothes. And left.
J: But he is safe?
E: Yeah. He is.
J: Good...That's all I needed to hear...
E: Why did he leave you?
J: I don't know...He said he needed to...
E: Well, Now we've both been broken...Anyways, I've got shit to do...
J: K bye

Mark's POV
I woke up laying with Tyler on the couch. Finally. Finally. We are cuddling. OMG and he is cuddling back!!! I look up and see Tyler is awake. 
M: Hey.
T: Hi, Mark.
M: Sorry I fell asleep...on you...
T: Don't apologise for that.
M: Oh okay.
I feel myself blush...I'm never like this. I'm dominate. I'm a top. Maybe not for Tyler though...
T: It's about 6:30 pm...Want dinner?
M: Sure.
I get up off of him but he stands and wraps his arms around my waist. I look up at him and he smiles at me.
M: Ya know what I came back for?
T: Now I do...
He leans down and we kiss. It was perfect. He pulls back and I smile.
M: I'm sorry...
T: What for?
M: Not realizing sooner.
T: I waited, didn't I?
M: Yeah...You did.
We kiss again and it's even more amazing than the first.

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