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Jack's POV
I get to go see Mark! I get to go see Mark! Ethan can deal with it! Ethan can go suck a dick!
I dance in a little circle as I pack my stuff. Plane is leaving in an hour. I gotta be there now! NOW? oh shit! I get my bag and run outside. I call an Uber and they pull up rather quickly.
J: Airport! And hurry please!
Driver: No problem, Sir.
We arrive and I pay and get out. I rush in and did all the dumb shit you have to do before you get on a plane. Finally, I go on the plane and sit down. It was surprisingly a really smoothe ride and I fell asleep. A flight attendant woke me and said we had landed. I thanked her and got off, Calling Mark and letting him know I was here.

Mark's POV
M: Okay, I'm on my way...
M: At the bathrooms next to Starbucks, Okay. That works.
I am on my way to get Jack and i start up my car. I drive ti the airport and go in. Yep. Just where he said. He is leaning against the wall, scrolling on his phone. I run over and he looks up.
He jumps into my arms and we hug. My voice is muffled by his shoulder but i say "it's been too long" and he smiles in return.
J: I know! I miss being here!
M: Yeah. I miss you being here.
We decide to buy a Starbucks coffee and we go back out to my car. On the drive ti my house he stares out the window at everything.
J: It's been a while...
M: Yeah. It really has.
We pull into my drive way and we hope out. I grab his bags and he groans.
J: I can get them!
M: No! You're my guest!
I open the door and we go in.
J: Mark, your place is so nice!
M: Yeah, I forgot I got a new house since you were here last time!
J: Yeah! This place is beautiful!
Then Ethan walks around the corner. 

Ethan's POV
I wake around the corner and see Jack admiring the house and Mark smiling stupidly. I hug him and kiss his cheek.
E: Darling! You're home! Jack!! It's been so long!
J: Oh, Ethan! I forgot you live here! I was so hoping to see you!
We hug and I just wanna rip him to shreds. Mark takes him upstairs to the guest room and shows him around for a while.
God I hope Jack doesn't like Mark. I really really hope that was just a small crush. Please!!!

Jack's POV
Me and Mark go upstairs and he takes me to my bed. I lay down kn the bed and be cute and he giggles at me. I get up and hug him again.
J: Thanks, Marky, for letting me come down and stay here.
M: Of course, Jack. It's no problem. I pull away and stare into his eyes.
J: It's so nice of you.
M: Well, You're my bestest friend.
J: And you are mine!
I boop his nose and he shows me around the house.

Mark's POV
I showed Jack around and he awed at everything.
M: Whatcha want for dinner?
J: Oh! Remember the first time I was here?
M: We had sushi!
J: We should do that again!
M: Sounds great!
J: Awesome! Like an anniversary!
M: Yeah!
We both laughs and I pull out my phone and looking up the number of the Sushi place down the street. After we call in what we want and what Ethan would want I go get him from our room. He was practicing his ukulele.
We all sit on the couch and when the door bell rings, I answer.
I being the food back and pay the guy then sit down next to Ethan and Jack. Ethan is being cute and he picks up a piece and holds it up to me.
E: Try mine!
I open my mouth and he feeds me.
M: Ooh! That's good! Especially with the soy sauce.
E: I know right!

Jack's POV
Ethan is being all lovey at Mark. Gross. I wish I could do that. I wish he was mine. I look back to my food amd continue eating.

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