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Jack's POV
J: Okay, I'm tired. Imma head to bed.
M: Alright, Jacky. Good night!
J: Night, Markimoo. Night, blue boi!
E: Night, Sean.
I walk up to my room and close the door. I take off my shirt and my jeans. I put on some fuzzy Markiplier sleep pants that I bought about a month ago and I lay down in bed and scroll Twitter until I fall asleep.

Mark's POV
Jack went to bed and Ethan was getting tired.
M: Wanna go to bed, Boo?
E: Mhm
We go up to my room and we change and lay down.
M: Sweet Dreams
E: Love you
M: Love ya too.
~time skip~
I wake up in the middle of the night and I roll out of bed to go pee. After im done I start walking back to my room but I hear something in the kitchen. I walk down the stairs and see Sean in the kitchen trying to reach a cup but he is too short. He gives up and starts to walk back to the stairs but I walk over and grab him.
M: Come on, I'll get you a cup.
J: You seen that?
M: Yes. It was adorable.
I get a cup down and hand it to him. He fills it with water and takes a sip.
J: Thanks. Sorry I woke you.
M: You didn't wake me, I can't sleep.
J: Oh...Me either.
M: Why?
J: Weird dream.

Jack's POV
That's true...I had a dream me and Mark were together. God, I need to get over this. He has Ethan.
M: Jack? You okay?
J: Oh sorry, Must have zoned out.
M: Oh. Well, I said how's you and Signe?
J: Oh...We actually...um...
I felt my eyes puff up and a tear slid down my cheek.
M:Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know.
J: It's not your fault.
Tears continued to flow and I looked down so Mark couldn't see me.
M: Don't cry...You'll find someone better.
J: But there is only one other person amd they don't like me. They never will!
I hear him sigh and I feel arms around me. I hug Mark back.
M: shh shh. Let it out.
I cry in his arm for a while as he whispers sweet things in my ear. I start to doze off as I lean against him.

Mark's POV
Jack starts to doze off so I pick him up and he wraps his arms around my neck. I carry him bridal style to his room and set him on the bed. I walk out and go back to my room where Ethan is still sleeping. He looks so adorable. I lay next to him and try not to wake him as I put my arm over his side.

Ethan's POV
I wake up to my alarm going off. Mark is still next to me. I roll out of bed and walk downstairs. Jack was pacing back and forth in the living room with tears in his eyes and when he seen me he ran over to me.
J: Is Mark up!?
E: Not yet, What's wrong??
J: I-...
He started crying and I hugged him. Mark came running in from behind us, He must have heard Jack.
M: What's going on??
Jack let go of me so Mark could see him. Jack tried to talk but he just shook his head must mean something because Mark looked like his heart broke. They ran to each other and hugged tightly. Jack's arms were around Mark's waist and Mark burried his head in Jacks shoulder. It sorta made me mad but Jack was upset so it probably didn't mean anything. After a really long hug Mark pulled away. He was crying heavily.
M: We need to go.
Jack just nodded and Mark let go of his hands and he ran upstairs. Jack just sobbed and waited. I walked over and rubbed circles on his back. I didn't know what was going on but Mark cared that much so it must be important. When Mark comes back down he looks ready to leave. He has his and Jack's suitcase and he is dressed. Then he runs over to me and pulls me into the living room.

Mark's POV
Jack told me his grandmother had cancer, He was really worried and he said she really didn't have much longer. I met her and I had met her before. She really liked me and had told me she wished to see me again, I was staying with her and Jack for almost 3 months. It's really terrible that she is gone but we need to get home-I mean to her house as fast as possible. I pull Ethan off to the living room and set mine and Jack's things down.
M: Ethan...Listen. I love you, so much but we don't have enough money for three. I have to go with him but I will come back.
I then carried on to explain about Jack's grandmother and he nodded with tears in his eyes.
E: I get it. Be safe. Text me.
M: I will. I don't know when I'll be here...But I'll text you every chance I get.
E: I love you
M: Love you too.
I go back and in and get Jack out to the car with me. He was very close with her and I was too. I shouldn't be driving but I am. We just need to get to the airport.

Jack's POV
As soon as we get to the airport we run inside with our things. We go quickly through everything and get on the plane. Thankfully, There is no fans on the plane so we didn't have to deal with that. Mark's arm was on the arm rest and I didn't notice. I moved my hand over onto it but I felt his hand there.
J: Sorry...
I draw my hand back but his hand comes up and takes mine. He links out fingers and sets both our hands on the arm rest. We are holding hands. Doesn't mean anything. It doesn't. Just friends. Think of Ethan. Ethan and Mark.
I look over and see the beautiful Markiplier next to me. Our hands linked. My eyes lock with his. Tears still slowly leak out of our eyes every so often but we pay no attention to that. We just stare at each other's eyes.

Mark's POV
For some reason I feel the need to be with Jack. To stay with him in Ireland. Not just for his grandma. I feel the need to always be holding his hand like I am now. Always be able to wake up, roll over, and see those beautiful, ocean blue eyes. I can't take it anymore! I lean in and close the space between us. I kiss him and he kisses me back. It lasts a while but we pull apart so no one sees. He is blushing and I smile wide.
J: What now?
M: I love Ethan...
J: I figured...
M: But I love you more.
J: Really?
M: Yeah really. You are a great listener, you have the funniest story's, You are caring, kind, your eyes are beautiful, your personality is perfect, not to mention you are hot.
He giggles a bit and grins at me.
J: I love you too.
We kiss again, short but full of passion.

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