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Mark's POV
My phone exploded with comments on that YouTube video where Ethan came in and announced that we are together. Nothing bad though. Just good stuff. Ethan will be relieved to hear that when he wakes up. I got a text from Bob and one from Wade. Wade said "Seen your vid. Congrats." And Bob sent me "Ooo I always knew! CRANKIPLIER AWAY!" I wander who else of my friends has seen it...has my mom seen it?

Jacks POV
Mark and Ethan are dating now... But Ethan knew how I felt about Mark. I came out to Ethan. I trusted Ethan...and I love Mark. Septiplier was a thing...I thought Mark liked me back...
Oh's Mark.
M: Hey, Wanna play outlast later?
J: Sure!
M: Okay! I'll text you later. I've gotta eat something. I'm starving!
J: Okay, TTYL.
Atleast i can still be flirty with him amd maybe I'll possibly get somewhere. Well, might as well try and get my computer started up. Its been about an hour and I finally got my computer to run the game. For some reason, I don't know why, but my computer wasn't working.
M: Hey, Logging on. U good?
J: Yep. Logging in.
We started playing and every once in a while I shyly giggle at one of his jokes or moan but nothing too noticable just seems like an "oops" and a "joke". We end the video but stay on call.

Mark's POV
Was Jack...flirting with me? Nah. He isn't he? Plus, he had to of seen my video. He wouldn't flirt. Nahhhh. We are still on call and just making dick jokes.
M: When are you coming down again?
J: Oh...soon.
M: When!? I miss you!
J: Ha! You miss me? I miss you!
M: Well then come on down. Me, you, and Ethan can do a live stream!
J: Yeah...Me, you, and Ethan.

Jack's POV
I try and sound happy but I think he noticed something was wrong...hopefully not. But I kinda hope so. But I don't wanna ruin anything. He is happy! That's what I want.

Mark's POV
He sounds sad...and he looks to be forcing a smile.
M: Are you okay, Jack?
J: Um yeah, why?
M: You seem down.
J: Yeah, I'm fine.
M: Are you sure?
J: Yes, I'm fine, Mark.
M: Okay...If you say so. Tell me if you are upset, okay?
J: Okay.
M: Jack, I've gotta go. Ethan is home and we are going out to dinner.
J: Oh okay. Tell him I said Hi!
M: I will. Bye, Jackaboy.
J: Bye, Marky.

I go down the hall and see Ethan putting up groceries.
M: Hey, darling.
E: Hey, Markimoo. What's up?
M: Weell...I am gonna take u to a movie then probably the arcade and the food court then back here for cuddles.
E: Aww Mark! Thank you so much! Let me go change.
M: Okay.
He kisses me ok the cheek and runs upstairs. When he comes back down he is wearing a beany, black jeans, and a blue hoodie.
M: You look adorable.
I kiss him and he smiles up at me.
E: Thanks, Marky.
An image of Jack flashes in my head.
~flash memory thing~
Jack: Bye, Marky.
~flash thing end~
E: You okay?
M: Just enjoying your company.
E: Aww.
He boops my nose and we head out to the car. We get in and Death Of A Bachelor is on. Ethan's voice is so amazing and I quickly forget about the image of Jack that popped into my head. We pull up to the movie theater and go in and buy tickets then a thing of popcorn. We are gonna watch The Little Mermaid and sing to all the songs.
~time skip:movie over~
We walk out, still singing "under the sea" and we get in my car. We go to a little restaurant and get food. Then we go to a park to eat the food like a picnic.
M: How's your burger?
E: Really good. Thanks, Marky.
~flash memory thing~
Jack is standing at my door.
J: Can we go now?
M: Yes! Let's go!
We rush out towards the door and I open it for him.
J: Thanks, Marky.
~flash thingy over~
M: Your welcome, Baby.
We finish eating and go straight home, we decide the Arcade and Food court is for another day. When we get home we lay down on the couch and cuddle while watching TV. Law and Order is on and it's actually pretty interesting. Ethan fell asleep in my arms so I let him go and got up. I go over to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water. I take a sip then feel my back pocket buzz.
~Text from: Jacky boy~
J: Hey, How did the date go?
M: He is asleep on the couch.
J: Oh.
M: Other than that, it was fine.
J: Hey I have the money for a flight in a week and a half...Is that okays with you?
M: Sounds great!
J:Okay, I've gotta go. By, Marky.
M: By, Jackaboy.

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