To Hell With It

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Even if I tried to put up resistance, there was no way I could escape the two light cruisers that are intent on helping me relax, possibly in more ways than one... Was this still from the party? All thoughts get pushed aside as the two girls press themselves against me, sharing my body heat.

"...Do you two really have to be that close?" I ask.

"Yes~" Avrora giggles. "You're the only person we can trust like this." And as soon as she finishes saying that I am reminded of some of my more perverted peers and the teens.

"She does make a point." Chapayev replies as we continue walking around, and eventually I relax, gently pulling them in close, but unsurprisingly we walk past another group of teens. These kids are different from the last group we encountered as they all look edgy, literally with their knives and broken vodka bottles and their spiky hair that resembled porcupine and hedgehog quills. We try to pay them no mind but eventually one of them starts whistling at us, more namely the girls.

"Hey there hot stuff!" One of the three teens shouts.

"Hey you! Yeah you you blue cyka! Why don't you come over here and be treated by a true man and not that heathen?" The other teens yell, and Chapayev rolls her eyes.

"That's exactly why I'm NOT interested in you~" Chapayev calls out. "Maybe if you would learn some manners maybe I would even bat an eye~"

"Keep an eye on your rear, don't wanna end up like last time..." I whisper to Chapayev and Avrora as we continue walking. A few seconds pass as we walk past the horny teens and Chapayev catches something out of the corner of her eye before whipping her head around to see none other than one of the teens, hands ready to "massage" her chest. She then proceeds to slap the teen across the face and he reels back.

"Cyka blyat! What the hell?!" The teen shouts, and it's not long before Avrora and I turn around to stare down the teen and his cohorts.

"I would walk away if I were you." I grumble. "It's not the first time I've had to teach this lesson, and I won't hesitate to do it again."

"And who do you think you are?" The teen's cohorts ask.

"Who me? None other than the komandir of the soviet navy! It would be wise that you heed my warning!" I shout.

"Like we'd ever believe something like that!" The teens shout, ignoring the fact that I have many war medals decorating my coat.

"Teenagers... They never learn do they?" I grumble. "Since you won't back off and you don't seem to believe my status, allow me to demonstrate!" And with that I engage in another fist fight with the teens. I'm quick to disarm them of whatever blades they have in their hands, throwing the weapons off to the side, before I go all out, unleashing an array of sambo techniques that floor the teens and leave two of them with broken arms. The only remaining teen then charges at me and starts swinging, clearly having studied some sort of Russian boxing. Unfortunately he falters as I manage to grab one of his arms and I violently slam him on the ground before dropping onto him with all my weight. All three teens have been knocked unconscious and I turn to Chapayev and Avrora to make sure they're okay. "They're all the same."

"Weren't you one yourself?" Avrora asks.

"I was never like them." I reply. "Believe me." And with that we all return to the base where the other girls are tinkering with their riggings, finding ways to make them even stronger than before.

"Hey comrade! Check this out!" Gangut calls out, and I walk over to her. "I've coated my shells in vodka so that when they hit, they'll spread flames everywhere, it's genius!"

"How can you be sure they won't freeze over or dry out though?" I ask.

"Gangut could be caught sunk with a bottle of the stuff in her hand." Rossi chuckles. "I wouldn't be surprised if she were to somehow feed it into her riggings and coat the shells there."

"That is definitely resourceful." I chuckle back. "Have you improvised anything?"

"I've sharpened the jaws on my rigging." Rossi says. "They could easily rip an arm or a leg off if I needed to do that."

"And I turned my torpedoes into the likes of molotov cocktails." Tashkent adds. "These'll really burn the insides of anyone that gets hit by these."

"Nice." I chuckle. "Do you two have any ideas?"

"Sadly nothing as of yet." Chapayev says. "But I'm sure we can think of something."

"Say how was your walk?" Gangut asks, trying to stifle another laugh.

"You really seem to take pleasure in seeing these two mess with me." I chuckle as I plop myself on the coutch. "The walk went pretty well, I had to defend them again because another group of horny teens were going after Chapayev."

"Those teens seem to lack control of themselves don't they?" Rossi mumbles. "For some reason they don't seem to believe your war experience until either you beat them up or we prove that we are in fact capable of drawing our cannons if necessary. I will rue the day one of us has to fire a warning shot..."

"Well, let's not dwell on it too much. At least the komandir is willing to stand up for us and do anything in his power to help us." Tashkent replies.

"You have my word there." I say. "I won't hesitate to put myself on the line if it means your safety."

"We're so glad we came under your command~" Avrora says as she walks over and hugs me, pulling my head into her chest. Once again Gangut fails to conceal her laughter and when Avrora lets go my face is as red as a tomato.

"Not funny Gangut!" I shout.

"What guy WOULDN'T want to be in your position right now?" Gangut laughs.

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