Vagabond Wannabe

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We exited the restaurant feeling stuffed but at the same time disappointed with the service.

"Do I smell like kvass?" I ask Tashkent.

"No, not really." Tashkent replies. "Some of it got in my soup though and it just made it taste awful."

"And then they spilled some of the other food and they made more to compensate." I say. "Do they not do that well under pressure?"

"Possibly." Gangut replies. "That and the kvass stained your coat, and I hear kvass is real hard to get out."

"Goddammit." I mumble. "I will need a new coat then."

"Hey, I think the higher ups will understand, don't worry." Gangut chuckles, roughly patting me on the back. "Why else do they have spares?"

"Yeah, you make a point." I chuckle as she and Chapayev walk on either side of me. "Anywhere else you really wanna go?"

"Not really, I just enjoy walking around." Chapayev replies as we continue to stroll around town. Unsurprisingly a group of teenagers are also around, drinking vodka and smoking cigarettes. "Were you ever like that as a teen?"

"No, I was raised differently." I say, readjusting my cap and ruffling my black hair around. The teenagers then notice me and the girls walking around, and they look at me with envy.

"Man I wish I were like that!" One of the teens says. Chapayev decides to fool around a little bit, noticing the teen and winking at him before blowing him a kiss. It's very clear that by the time I even decide to look at him there's a very obvious bulge down there. "Dude the hottest of the bunch just winked at me!"

"Blyat that's sick dude!" Another teen says.

"Don't fuel it Chapayev, I don't want to have to step in because they can't control themselves." I say.

"Oh alright." Chapayev replies as we continue walking around. What I hadn't anticipated was the group of teenagers sneaking up behind us, and the only evidence of that was a sudden yelp from Avrora.

"What the?!" I shout as everyone turns around to see Avrora holding down a part of her dress and the teens snickering among themselves. "You can't just do that to a lady you know?"

"Yeah, and what are you going to do about it?" The teens taunt.

"You don't want me to have to deal with you." I growl. "I've had years of combat experience, I wouldn't want to go up against someone like me if I were you."

"Yeah, you've had experience, but all you do is point where to shoot, you couldn't even punch someone if your life depended on it!" One of the teens laughs, but I quickly make him eat his words when I walk over and deck him with a powerful spinning backfist. The teen then collapses in an unconscious heap and I stand in front of Avrora, ready to defend her if necessary.

"Cyka blyat man!" The teens shout as one of their brethren gets knocked out in one hit. "What'd you do that for?!"

"Are you really that thickheaded?" I grumble. "I will not tolerate harassment of women, don't think you'll be getting let off the hook easily. I am the komandir of the soviet navy, and you'll be damned if you don't remember that."

"This guy's trying to call our bluff!" The teens say amongst one another. "Let's sack him!"

"Girls, stand back, this could get ugly." I say as I hand my modified AK-47 off to Rossi before the teens all engage me in a fist fight. Some of them come swinging with vodka bottles, but I quickly dodge those, systematically disabling them with a series of joint strikes and dealing with others by using brute force. Some of the teens eat my steel tipped boots and others eat my cold hard fists, and some get their arms and legs broken. Eventually there's one teen left standing and he's debating on whether he wants to fight or flee. "You wanna run?"

"You're just bluffing!" The teen shouts, clearly in some sort of denial. "You're not a real komandir!"

"Bluffing? You can't bluff about being the komandir of the soviet navy." I reply, showing my medals. "If that won't convince you, then this will. Gangut?"

"Gladly." Gangut chuckles evilly as she brings out her riggings, making her even more menacing than before. It's at this point that we can all pick up a strong smell of feces and the teen scampers off like a frightened squirrel. "I think that showed him."

"I'd like to think so too." I chuckle as Rossi hands my assault rifle back and I sling it around with the strap. Once we're sure that the teens I knocked out will come back to their senses we take our leave and Gangut and I fist bump. Not wanting to deal with any more horny teens we decide to head back to our base where I speak with the higher ups about what happened. Just as Gangut expected I was quickly given a replacement while some of the lower ranking soldiers did their best to try and clean out the kvass stains. With nothing more to do I join the girls in the common room as I ungracefully crash onto one of the couches. "That certainly was something."

"You didn't take a single hit, I'm beyond impressed." Rossi chuckles as Avrora takes a spot on the couch next to me.

"I can't thank you enough for sticking up for me." Avrora says.

"I would be a bad comrade, a bad komandir, if I didn't stand up for you." I reply as I take off my cap and set it on my chest before taking a quick nap. I'm not sure how long my nap was but it feels like an hour when I decide to open my eyes and I realize my head is no longer on the couch, but rather in Avrora's lap. Once I realize it Gangut can't help but laugh, Rossi is doing her best to hide her laughter, Tashkent looks at me with a look that says "You sly dog!" and Chapayev is looking at Avrora with a hint of jealousy. "How long was I asleep?"

"Only a few minutes." Avrora replies, which only makes Gangut laugh even harder.

"No wonder those teens were so jealous!" Gangut says between guffaws.

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