Epilogue: Covering Up

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"Alright, we need to really enhance our little cover up here." I say. "While we managed to keep Illustrious and her sisters from suspecting things, she may have noticed something off."

"What do you mean?" Chapayev asks.

"I more or less went stiff and she probably suspected something before she was dragged off, and when it comes to the Royal Navy, anything like that can increase suspicion." I reply.

"I see. What do you plan on doing then?" Rossi asks.

"I have an idea, and it'll require the help of our alien friends. I gave them a call earlier." I reply as we hear knocks coming from the base door. "It's unlocked!" And with that, Beta comes in.

"The Empress isn't feeling too well, so she sent me." Beta says as one lesser siren walks in and closes the door behind her while everyone takes a spot on the couches. "So what's this plan you have?"

"Well we need to throw any suspicions off of us." I reply. "We just had some of the royals visit us and they're probably still suspecting stuff."

"I see, and if word ever got out about you working with us, they'd probably destroy you first and then they'd go after us personally." Beta says. "So we need to divert their attention in short?"

"Pretty much." I reply. "If they're too busy dealing with you guys, they won't have enough time to worry about us, and your army is pretty massive."

"It's always growing." The lesser siren says. "Do you want us to pester them?"

"Nah, that would be a little too obvious." I reply. "Would it be alright if we engaged in some mock battles? Sure ships will sink but we'll make sure that nobody actually dies, just to show that we're "against" you guys."

"You know, that doesn't sound that farfetched." Beta says. "We've been itching to test out some new production model ships and to allow us to engage you with them should be interesting."

"Plus, we haven't seen battle in so long, we need to get at least some form of training in." I reply. "So are we good with this whole battle stuff?"

"It doesn't look as much as a battle more than it does an exercise, but we can make it look like one." Beta replies. "What do we do if others try to intervene?"

"Whatever you want with them honestly." I chuckle.

"Alright, sounds good." Beta replies. "I hope you don't mind if we pay occasional visits." Beta says.

"We won't mind, as long as the others don't notice." I say as Beta and I shake hands. "Just make sure you don't get wasted on our vodka."

"Oh that party taught all of us a good lesson." Beta says sheepishly. "I don't think I've ever woken up with a worse headache until the morning after that party. Purifier, who drunk the most out of all of us, was in the bathroom hurling her insides out for the better half of an hour."

"Oh boy." I chuckle. "But aside from that, thanks for reaching out."

"No problem." Beta replies as she and the lesser siren take their leave.

"Girls, get ready." I say.

"Roger that." Rossi replies.

To Be Continued

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