Pitch. Will. Die.

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A/N: what do u think REAL TITLE read the AN at the end please
I wake up in a strange place. From what I can tell its a cave made of ice. Suddenly a voice that's scary and soothing at the same time fills the cave.
"Queen Elsa." It booms echoing through out the cave.
"Y-yes" I answer in barley a whisper.
"Do not be afraid. I am the man on the moon other wise known as Manny. The Guardians told you about me. Yes, Jack confessed that you would have to die to be a true Guardian. Do not worry you will only be here for a short time. Two days. That's the time it will take me to make you in spirit form."
I stay quiet and comprehend what he said. All I can think is it's going to be a long two days.
"I'm going to kill Pitch!" I yell to the Guardians.
"You can't Jack." Bunny says tiredly "He's a spirit. The only way to kill him is to take away all fear which is impossible."
"I-I know but he killed Elsa AND did what ever it was he did to Jammie!"
"Jack, calm down" Tooth tells me. "The moon chose Elsa as a Guardian. It will take two days for her the reach spirit form. If she wakes up then she'll be fine."
"If?" I ask "what happens if she doesn't?"
They all look at me sadly
"Than he changed his mind." North said.
A/N: IM BAAAAAAAAACK. Yea I'm childish for a 13 year old. I just really field like saying that...
ok so...

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