Your center

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I'm not going to lie, when Jack's with Elsa he's a different person. Still a big pain in the neck but I can tell he really loves her.
When she died he was devastated, never once insulted me, he still kept up with his duties, but hurt all the same.
Once Elsa's strong enough we go outside and walk and talk. Normally we would have a snowball fight but I don't think she quite strong enough yet. When we get far enough from the workshop so that they can't see us, we sit down and she puts her head on my shoulder.
"Jack?" She asked.
"Back when I first found out I was going to become a Guardian you told me your center is fun, well what's mine?"
"Only you can answer that question, when you find out, you just know."
I look at her and see her bright blue eyes looking strait into my gray blue one. I lean in, and so does she. When our lips touching feel the same feeling in my stomach as last time. Everything in the world felt perfect.

We watched them from afar, father was cursing again, why wasn't Elsa dead?!?!?!?!?!
Killing her had been our revenge on both of them.
"That's it, we're attacking now!"
"Anything to stop looking at them kissing." I mutter.
We jump out of our hiding place in the shadows and attack. It's very clear Elsa's not very strong witch is reasonable considering she died a week ago. Once it's clear to us all she barely can fight Jack graves her waist and takes off. We follow, riding some extremely powerful nightmares it's then I think of her face when she saw me and sneer. I can't wait to see the light leave her eyes.
A/N: Merry Christmas! Who is ? I wonder. Hehehehehehehehehe

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