Things just got heated

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Michaels pov
I waited for Ivey and I missed her so much . she doesn't know this but I had a crush on her and I didnt want to tell her because I was to caught up on how I'm in a higher grade then her and I was worried that I was going to get made fun of but I regret not saying anything sooner cause now I'm dead and i really liked her. I saw her run in like there was an mob of zombies. let's jut say she was also very adorable when she did that with her worried face."hey what's wrong?". I said. "Um nothing just that me bothers friend is a creep and yeah". "Really I didn't noticed that". I said with sarcasm. "So..." she said when everything was turning awkward. Ivey's pov "Hey did you ever had your first kiss?!" I said quite loudly. shit I'm so stupid why would I ever ask that question I yelled at myself in my mind. "well no". he said with that adorable smile. my head turned and his face was right close to mine and our lips almost touching. "do you want to be my first?". He whispers to my ear giving me goosebumps. "um i don't kno- his soft lips crashed into mind and it started to get heated when he started to kiss my neck and rub my thighs. until I pulled away gently. "what am I a bad kisser?" He smirked. HELL NO ! I thought to myself. "no it's just that I'm still kinda getting in the process of you being a ghost and being able to touch me. "yeah it's kind of weird but may we continue?" He said kissing my neck. I think this kid is horny or something? Before I could speak he turned me on the other side of the wall farthest from my door. and picked me up and we just kept pressing our lips together like in the movies when Noah and Allie kiss in the notebook. When I notice him getting tried from picking me up I told him he can let me down now but he said "now it's gonna ruin the moment". he said while giggling. "too bad". I said with a smirk. But when I asked him to put me down for the 5th million time he finally did. " you know you can be quite annoying sometimes" he said with a chuckle. "how am I annoying!". " I'm just playing I'm just playing". hours past if us talking about life and soccer of course cause literally that's life for both of us. it's kinda funny when I say cristiano is better than James even though they are in the same team. then he gets all offended and it's really cute cause he turns all red and has that super cute pouting face. "Hey you know what would be fun?" I said. "what?" He always had an confused look on his face and it's just ughhhh. "I think we should

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