Broken Minds

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Ania led the way through the planet's ever changing terrain. Every now and then, something new would catch her eye. Ezra moved closer to her, a hand on the dagger hilt that swung from his belt. "The seasons have been changing," he pointed out.

Ania nodded. "I've noticed it too."

"Do you know where we're going?"

"Why?" She glanced over her shoulder. "Don't you trust me?"

Ezra raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You know I do, Ania."

She shook her head. "Sorry. This planet is just...a lot."

She could feel the Force writhing beneath her skin with the call of the planet echoing in her mind. Ania shuddered briefly. Ezra put a hand on her shoulder. "What's your plan, exactly?"

Ania sighed. "Reunite the Son and Daughter, survive, get off this rock."

Ezra grinned. "Ah. It's that type of plan."

"Any help would be appreciated." A large tower with a glowing green orb appeared in the distance. "The Well is close," Ania warned. "You'll be able to feel it."

    The sunlight began to vanish and the plants shriveled up and died. "There's no dusk or twilight here," Ezra noted.

    "Yeah, the planet tends to do its own thing." A cold hand trailed against her cheek.

    Ania gasped and stiffened. Ezra looked back. "Are you ok?"

    Come to me.

    "He's here," Ania whispered.

    Give me what's mine.

    Her legs began to shake. Her stomach churned and she fell to her knees.

    You know what you must do.

    "Ania!" Ezra grabbed her and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly. "Come back."

    Slowly, she regained her breath. Ezra was a solid and soothing presence. She screwed her eyes shut. "I think...I should go to the Well alone from here."

    "No way. I'm not letting you face this alone."

    She pulled away from him. "I might lose control and hurt you. I don't know what will happen."

    "That's why I'm not letting you go alone. Ania, you're terrified of this place. There's no way I'm going to let you face those fears by yourself." Ezra's gaze hardened.

    She shook her head. "All right. But if something goes wrong, please promise you'll leave me here."

    "Ania, I can't," Ezra began.

    She held up a hand. "Promise me. If the Son takes control of me and I can't fight him off, you can't let me leave this planet. You'll either leave me here or kill me with the dagger." Ezra shook his head. "Promise me," she ordered.

    "You made a promise to me first. You said you will always return to me. I'm trusting you to keep that promise." Ezra stood and pulled her up.

    "This isn't a game, Ezra. This is the fate of the universe. I would rather lose my own life than let others lose theirs because of me." She let her voice soften somewhat. "We can't let personal feelings get in the way of what has to be done." She brushed past him and continued towards the Well.

    "Well, we might have different ideas of what has to be done," Ezra murmured to himself.

They carried on for a while longer, before coming out beside a large chasm. Ania peered over the edge. Sparks drifted out of the hole. Lava drifted around a few rock formations at the bottom.

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