Fate of Lothal

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    Ania trailed behind Senator Aura Li as they passed through the corridors of the Galactic Senate. Sabine walked silently beside the senator, while Tolsa stayed behind them. Senator Organa joined them as they passed his office.

    "Do you know why the session has been moved up?" Ania asked as he joined them.    

    "No, the Emperor didn't say. How did things go last night?"

    "Uneventful but prosperous."

    "I am glad to hear it."


    The group stopped as a young man ran over to them. "How may we help you?" Bail asked.

    "Thank you, Senators. I am a reporter for some of Coruscant's largest feeds. I was hoping to ask you a few questions?" He held up a datapad hopefully.

Bail opened his mouth to reply, but Senator Li raised a hand. "I'm sorry. We don't have time right now."

"Please, Senators. It's for a very big story I've been working on!" He leaned closer. "I heard you were Rebel sympathizers and I wanted to know your stories. I'm hoping to gain more support for the Rebel Alliance," he whispered.

"I am sorry. Your cause is a noble one, but we have no time all the same." Senator Li continued walking.

"What if I speak to your ward instead? Maybe gain her thoughts on the matter?" The reporter burst out.

"That is up to her. Guard, maid, come with me." Sabine and Tolsa fell back into their places and continued to follow Aura Li towards the senate chamber.

The reporter turned to Ania hopefully. "Would you be able to speak to me for a few minutes at least?"

"I suppose so, as long as it doesn't take too long," she replied hesitantly.

"You may conduct your interview in my office." Bail dropped a keycard into Ania's hand. "You remember the way to your seat, m'lady?"

"Yes, thank you, Senator."

Bail dipped his head and continued onward. Ania led the the reporter towards Bail's office. She locked the door behind them before sitting on one of the velvet lined sofas. the reporter sat down across from her. "Thank you for agreeing to speak with me, Representative Li," he began.

"My pleasure." Ania plastered a grin to her face, hoping she didn't look too appalling.

"I want to know about your aunt, Senator Li. How involved with the Rebels is she?"

Something nudged the back of Ania's mind, a warning. "She isn't, from what I've seen. She understands their beliefs, but she doesn't condone their terrorism." Ania replied carefully. She didn't want to misrepresent the senator, but saying the wrong thing could bring harm to her.

"When you say she understands their beliefs, do you mean that she shares them?"

"I don't know the mind of my aunt but if you doubt her loyalty to democracy, you are sorely mistaken."

"And you, Representative? Where do you stand with the Rebels?" The reporter moved closer to her.

"I follow my aunt's footsteps."

He moved back, disappointed. "I see."

"Will that be all, sir?"

"Actually, Representative, I was wondering something about you. Do you know you have an uncanny resemblance to Ania Tano?" The reporter moved closer again, peering at her face.

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