all i ever wanted

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joyce looked at el like she had just seen a ghost. "w-what?" she asked. "he told me." el repeated. "sweetie, who told you what?" joyce asked concerned. "hopper. he told me he was alive...i didn't tell you because i didn't know when to tell you, i guess, and i thought you would think i was crazy and..." el said as her eyes filled up with tears. "oh honey, come here." joyce said pulling her into a hug. "i would never think you were crazy. have you met me? i'm the president of the crazy club!"

el laughed and wiped her tears a bit. "i've been seeing hopper too. wherever i go. i still think he's here. it's a normal way of grieving." joyce said. "no, no, it's not like that." el answered. "i-i actually saw him. and he talked to me." el said through tears. "h-how? your powers aren't back yet, are they?" said jonathon. "no, no they aren't. but i talked to him." el said. joyce and jonathon gave her a confused look. "a few weeks ago, i was laying in bed, trying to fall asleep, and i had this...this vision. it had never happened before, so i was really confused. and then...and then i saw hopper." said el.

flashback to when el saw hopper


"i need to see them again! i need to see my family again! get me out of here!" hopper said angrily banging on a cell. his head was shaved and he was tired and hungry. he didn't look like himself.

hopper looked straight at el in the vision.

"el?" he asked.

eleven was speechless. "d-dad?"

"el?! is that you!?" hopper shouted.

"yes dad, it's me, it's me! where are you, where can we find you?!"

"i'm in-"

as hopper was about to answer, the vision faded away.

then suddenly, el woke up in a puddle of tears.

end flashback 


el told her family all about her vision.

"was it like the void?" jonathon asked. "no, it was different. i don't know what it was. i kept having the visions for a few more weeks, every few days. and-and i told will about them because i thought maybe he experienced the same thing..." "did you will?" joyce asked. "no. at least i don't think so by the way she described it." will said.

 "maybe hop was trying to send you a message?" asked jonathon. "maybe. but how could he do that?" el asked. there was a long pause. "well maybe...maybe he communicated to you like i did to mom when i talked to her through the lights. maybe it was something like that." will said. "you're right." el said. "well what did he say to you in the other visions?" jonathon asked. "well uh...he told me he was in russia, and he kept telling me that needed..." el looked up at her mother. "he needed you, mom. he said he needs you to get him out of there. he needs all of us." el said. joyce's heart skipped a couple beats. "we are going to find him, okay? i promise. we are going to find him." joyce said after a few moments.

joyce thought for a second. "is there anyway you could contact him again? is there anyway that you could somehow talk to him?" joyce asked. el thought for a moment. "well it's only been happening when i'm asleep so far. so maybe if i go back to sleep it will come back." "we could try." jonathon said. el laid down on the bed. "let's do it." she said, wrapping a blindfold around her head. "mom, when i tell you i see him, i want you to talk to him, okay?" el asked. joyce nodded.

jonathon turned on the walkie talkie so they could hear hopper. will turned on some relaxing music to help el fall asleep, and put a warm blanket on her. joyce was really nervous. "be careful honey, okay? if you need us, we're right here, i don't want anything bad to happen to-" "mom, stop taking." el said firmly. "okay." said joyce quickly.

after about 10 minutes, el finally fell asleep. "i see him." she suddenly said. joyce, jonathan, and will went up to her quickly. "hopper?" joyce asked. "joyce? is that you?" joyce burst into tears. "hopper!! youre alive!! i'm-i'm so happy to hear your voice again.""i'm so happy to hear your voice again too. you don't even know,joyce." he said through tears."please, get me out of here joyce, i can't take this any longer." "we are coming for you i promise. okay?" joyce said shaking.

el sat up. "the vision ended. he can only stay for so long. i'm sorry." she said. joyce gave a small nod and suddenly fell on the floor. "mom!" jonathan yelled. "mom are you ok!?" will shouted. "i just...i missed him... so much. he's my best friend. he has been since third grade. hearing his voice again, i, i can't even put into words how that felt." she said through heavy tears. her eyes were really red. each one of her kids crouched down to her level and gave her a hug. joyce got up and reached for the phone after a few minutes. she grabbed her phone book and dialed the number in. "hello? yes, i would just like to get 3 plane tickets to um...kamchatka, russia for 2 days from know. okay. okay that's fine." the kids could barely believe what they were hearing.

 "yes um, joyce laura byers, jonathon charles byers, jane hopper, and william james byers, ages 43, 19, 16, and 15. yes. $1500?" joyce asked confused. "mom! that's way too much money, we can't afford that!" jonathon loudly whispered. joyce waved him away and spoke into the phone again. "yes, we'll do it. um, credit card." joyce gave her credit card number, told them a bunch of other things and then hung up. "mom what were you thinking?! we don't have the kind of money!" jonathon yelled. "i'm gonna be working for more hours. and when hopper "died" some of his money was given to me." she said, trying to reassure him. "it's for hopper." said joyce.

 joyce paused for a minute, and sat down. "you's something i've been meaning to tell you. for a long long time." joyce said. "what is it?" el asked, sitting down. jonathon and will sat down also. "well...i think...i've known hopper for a very long time and...and i should of told you this a long time ago. but...but i think that i...i think that i have feelings for him. i think that i love him." she said quickly. el's eyes widened. "and when he comes back, i think we are going to become a family. all 5 of us."

there was a moment of silence. "really?!" el shouted. "yes, really. i think that if he asks me out, which i know he will , being who he is, i think i'm gonna say yes. i just wanted to make sure it was okay with you guys." "of course it's okay!" shouted will. will and jonathon ran up and gave her a hug. "so...i'm gonna have a family?" el asked with tears in her eyes. "yes. yes you are."

they all joined in for a hug.

"this is all i ever wanted." el whispered.

a/n: holy crap this story almost has 1000 views whatttttt thank you all so much also in this book, joyce and hopper are 43, i know that david is 44 and winona is 48 in real life, but i made them 43 so that the dates add up. and i don't know how you got plane tickets in the 80s, and my dad said that you called the airline soooooooo yeah lol

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