there's two.

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a few weeks later
"Oh my god, where's my keys, I can't find my keys, I have to find my keys, I can't be late for this...SHIT WHERE ARE MY KEYS!?" Joyce shouted, running around the house. "MOM, CALM DOWN! They're right here." El said with a laugh, holding them out to her. "Oh thank you so much honey, Dad and I just can't be late for this appointment." she said, kissing El's head and rushing around to find her purse. El smiled. "Your purse is on the coffee table mom." she said. Joyce turned around and smiled. "How did you know what I was looking for?" she asked. El shrugged lightly and laughed. Joyce grabbed the purse and yelled down the hallway. "HOPPER, COME ON!"  Hopper walked out of his room, buttoning his shirt up. "We're married now, you don't have to keep calling me by my last name." he said laughing. "I know." she said smiling. "Come on, let's go we're gonna be late. El, make some Eggos for yourself and make sure to wake Will up in a little bit, he can't sleep in forever." Joyce said, walking out the door. "Okay, bye!" El waved.
Hopper and Joyce were going to the doctors office downtown to check in on the baby and make sure everything was okay. And boy, were they nervous.

in the car
Joyce was struggling to put makeup on while looking in the mirror. "What are you doing? You never wear makeup..." said Hopper. "I know, I know, but I want to go to this doctors office looking halfway decent." she said, continuing to put makeup on. "Joyce, stop stressing out, okay? You're beautiful just the way you are. Everything is gonna be fine. I promise." he said, squeezing her hand. She looked away for a few seconds. "It's know I'm 43 years old's dangerous for me have a child...and...and I don't know if this is gonna work out the way I think it is, or the way...the way I want it to...I-I'm scared Jim." Joyce said. Hopper paused. "I know. I know. It's scary. But it's gonna be okay. And if it doesn't work out, well...we still have each other; we still have the kids. You know, look on the bright side of things. But you're right, we're just gonna have to pray a lot right now."  Hopper said. "You got this. We got this. We're in this together, alright?" said Hop. Joyce nodded. "Together." she repeated with smile. "Always." Hopper whispered, smiling back at her.

at the doctors office
Joyce and Hopper sat in the waiting room of the doctors office quietly. Joyce was shaking and had tears in her eyes. She tried to wipe away her tears quickly so Hop wouldn't see them, but he did. "Hey, hey, why are you crying?" he asked quietly. "I don't know...sorry." she said. "It's okay, it's okay." said Hop as he put his arm around her. "It's gonna be okay."
Joyce cuddled up close to him and sighed. "Yeah." she said under her breath.
Suddenly, a doctor came out of the room, reading off of a clipboard. "James and Joyce Hopper please." he called out. Joyce and Hopper both got up out of their seats. "Follow me." said the doctor. They both did as they were told.
"Alright." said the doctor, leading them into a room. "Mom, you sit in this chair right here. Dad, you can sit in one of those chairs or stand, whatever your preference. Okay. So, how many children do you two have?" asked the doctor.
Well, this was a difficult question to answer. Joyce tried to answer in the least complicated way possible.
"Um, I have two sons, Jonathon and Will,  but they uh...they have different ex husband...and then um Jim has an adopted daughter, Jane...and  Jane and Will live with us, but Jonathon lives in New York." Joyce quietly stated. "Okay." said the doctor, writing information on his clipboard. "Have you ever had a C Section, or were you ever close to having a C Section?" he asked. "No sir." she said. "Alright. Okay, so we are just gonna look at the baby through this scanner, and you'll be able to hear the babies' heartbeat for the first time." Said the doctor. "Okay." Joyce said with the biggest smile on her face. She grabbed Hopper's hand and squeezed it happily. The doctor put the scanner over Joyce's stomach.

"Oh...oh wow." said the doctor. "What, is there something wrong?" Joyce asked. "No no, nothing wrong. But um...well...there's uh...two heads and two bodies..." he continued. "WHAT?!" Joyce exclaimed. "Congratulations you two, you're having twins." said the doctor with a smile. "WHAT?!" Hopper said, standing up out of his chair. "Yup, see for yourself." he said, pointing to the monitor. Hopper put his hands on his head. "Oh my god..." Hopper said excitedly. "So you mean to tell me that's theres not just one...there's two?!" Joyce asked the doctor. "Correct."   Joyce looked up at Hopper. She was smiling so big.  "Oh my god Hop, we're having twins!"  Hopper bent down at gave her the biggest hug in the world. "Would you like to hear the heartbeat, ma'am?" asked the doctor. Joyce nodded quickly. When Joyce heard the two heartbeats she almost started to cry. "Oh my god." she said, putting her hand over her mouth. "They're really there..." she whispered. The doctor nodded. "And everything seems perfectly healthy with each of them." the doctor said smiling. Joyce noticed that Hopper had large tears in his eyes. Joyce smiled at him. He smiled back.

at the house
Joyce and Hop had just come home from the appointment. "Oh god, what are we going to tell them." Joyce whispered under her breath. "MOM, DAD!" shouted El, running down the stairs. Will followed behind her. "How did the appointment go?" Will asked. "Well um...we found out some very interesting news that I think you both will like very much..." Hopper said. "WHAT IS IT?!" El asked excitedly. Hopper looked at Joyce and nodded. "Dad and I found out that you guys aren't getting...a little sibling." said Joyce. "What?" Will asked confused. "Because you're getting TWO little siblings!" Joyce shouted. "WHAT?!" El cried. "OH MY GOD, TWINS?!" Will yelled. "Yes, twins!" said Joyce. Will and El ran into Joyce's arms. "I didn't even know that could happen!" El said with a laugh. "Wait...but doesn't that mean that you have to be pregnant for 18 months?" she asked. "No honey, that's not how it works." Joyce said laughing. "Oh, thank god!" El exclaimed. They all started laughing. "How about if Dad and I took you guys to the movie theater to celebrate?" Joyce asked. "CAN WE?!" El shouted. "Of course! I heard there's this movie called Stand By Me that's getting really good reviews." she said. "Oh okay, let's go!" said El.

a/n: ahhhhhh hope you guys liked this chapter! don't forget to vote please 💗💗💗

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