yours, mine, and ours part 2

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Hopper's heart sank. He felt every bone in his body shatter into a million little pieces. If he lost Joyce, he didn't know how he would live. He didn't know how he would be able to function. Without her, he is nothing. Without her, he's not happy. Without her, he's a totally different person.

El and Will looked at their dad in shock.
"W-what do you mean she could not make it?" Will asked with tears swelling up in his eyes. He can't loose his mom. Ever. Especially not now.

The doctor looked at him and tried to think of what to say.
"I-It's just very dangerous for her to have a C-Section because we have to intubate her and put her in a sleep like state to do it and...when she goes to sleep...she may not wake up." the doctor said slowly.

Will fell on the floor and burst into tears. El  squatted down next to him and touched him. "Will, it's okay." she said with tears in her eyes. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" Will screamed, pushing her hand off of him forcefully.
El started crying and backed away quietly to go hug Hopper. "Will, I'm really sorry..." said the doctor. "NO, NO, NO, NO! YOURE NOT SORRY! IF YOU WERE SORRY, YOU'D FIND A WAY TO MAKE HER BE OKAY! AND NOW BECAUSE OF YOU AND THE OTHER DOCTORS, SHE MIGHT NOT BE OKAY! YOU DONT UNDERSTAND! AT ALL! I CANT LOOSE HER! I NEED HER! SHE'S MY BEST FRIEND! I WON'T BE ABLE TO LIVE WITHOUT HER!" he shouted. Will's rage quickly escalated as he was yelling.
The whole waiting room had gone silent. Everyone was looking at Will.

"S-sorry...I just cant...I can't loose her." he said, trying to get himself together.
The doctor sighed. "Will, if there is anything I can do to save her, I will do it. I promise. We are really trying to help her-" "But she's strong enough, she doesn't need a C-Section, she can do it! I know my mom, she won't need it!" Will cried. El had never seen Will like this. He really cared so much about Joyce. Hopper made eye contact with the doctor.

"Is it alright if I talk to the kids for a moment please?" Hopper asked. "Of course, sir. I'll ask the staff if there's any more tests to be run." the doctor said before leaving.

Hopper pushed open the door to the hospital to go outside. Will and El followed.  "Lets take a walk." Hop said to both of them. "Listen guys...The doctors are doing everything they can to make her live, okay? It's not the doctors fault, it's her body that isn't cooperating  correctly." said Hopper. Will looked down at the ground. "I know how you guys are feeling...I've known her almost my whole life and I don't know what I would do without her. Here, let's sit down." he said, patting a bench. El and Will sat on the bench and Hop sat on a bench in front of them. "Its hard to think of someone close dying, especially mom, right? But that is what makes life so special . That is the reason we have to enjoy each day with each other." he said. El nodded. "You are not alone in how you feel. It's okay to talk about how you are feeling. You're safe. You can let all of your feelings out. I'm here. I'm here to listen to you. I want to listen to you. Both of you. You can talk to me." he whispered.

El looked at him for a few seconds and then started crying. "Hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay." said Hopper, wiping her tears. "I'm just really scared. I don't want anything bad to happen to her." she said. "I know, I know, me either." Hop said. "I just finally thought that I was apart of a family and I finally thought I had a mother." El said through tears. "We still are a family. We will always be a family. That will never change. No matter what. And whatever happens, Joyce will always be your mother, okay? Always. I love you. Both of you. So, so much. But we need each other right now. Mom would want us to be strong. And she's always strong for us, so we have to be strong for her. And we have to pray really hard for her. That's what she would want us to do. But I'm going to be really honest to you guys, because I don't like lying to you...I'm scared. And we are going to have to try to help each other throughout this. We're going to have to pray a lot." said Hopper. El and Will nodded. "I just feel like no one understands how I one ever understands how I feel..." said Will. Hop got a napkin and a pen from his pocket and handed it to Will. "Write it down."  Will looked confused but clicked the pen and starting writing.
"I feel like everything bad happens to my family. I feel like nothing is ever normal. It's really, really hard. I don't understand why my family has to go through all of this. Sometimes I just think that God is never even there and that he just lets my family suffer, and does nothing about it. And if I'm being honest, I can't stop running through my brain and pondering my thoughts to describe how I feel because I can't. I can't describe how I feel. I feel so alone. I feel like I have no one to talk to you, no one to trust. I just want everything to be okay. I want my mom to be okay. I'm just praying so so hard that mom is okay. Is that too much to ask?" Will scribbled down on the napkin. He put the napkin in his pocket. "I just remembered something that Papa always used to say before I went into the isolation tank. He'd say 'Let's pretend we're blowing up a giant balloon. We'll take a deep breath and blow it up to the count of 5.' And then we'd take a deep breath for 5 seconds." El said. She then demonstrated what she meant. Will repeated after her. "Exactly. Even taking a deep breath helps. I promise she'll be okay. Look at trust me, right?" Hop asked. They both looked at him and nodded. "We've got this. Mom's got this." Hopper said to both of them.
El put her hand out. "For mom?" she asked. Hop put his hand on top of hers. "For mom." he repeated. Will nodded and then slowly put his hand in as well. "For mom." he said with a small smile.

Suddenly, the doctor came rushing out of the hospital and walked up to them. "Sir, we just found out that Joyce doesn't need a C-Section."   The biggest smile spread across each of their faces. "What?!" Hopper asked in shock. "HOW?!" El asked excitedly with tears streaming down her face. The doctor smiled at all three of them. "While the three of you were gone, she delivered the babies. We told her that she was going to have a C-Section. But she didn't listen. She just said that she could do it, and she did." he said smiling. "Of course she did." Hopper said with a laugh while crying. El ran up to Will in tears and hugged him so tightly. "Do you wanna meet them?" the doctor asked. "YES YES YES!" El exclaimed, sprinting back into the hospital. Hopper followed after her. Will turn around and look at the sky. "Will, ya coming?" asked El, running back outside. Will continued to look at the sky.
"Y-yeah. Yeah sorry. Be there in a sec." Will removed the napkin from his pocket and looked up at the sky again. "Thank you." he whispered while a tear rolled down his face. He took a pause and then ran into the hospital.

a/n: okay, currently sobbing rn give me a minute 🥺
first of all can't believe how many of you thought i was gonna kill off joyce LMAOOOO
anyway this is probably my fav chapter in this book tho and i did this all in one day and i'm pretty proud of that
hope you enjoyed and pls don't forget to vote!!💗

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