epilouge part 1 - changes

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a/n: taytum/oakley fisher as audrey, dashiell/fox messitt as a connor

three years later
"Mommy, mommy, look, mommy, look!" Audrey said grinning as she played with her two Barbies. Joyce stood in front of the bathroom door, desperately trying to go in. "Yeah, Mommy is looking, Mommy's looked a thousand times! Mommy just needs to go to the bathroom for one minute, okay?" she said to her, plastering a smile on her face.

"Wait, wait, watch this mommy!" Audrey exclaimed. "JIM, COME HERE!" Joyce yelled. Hopper came in running from the other room. "What's going on?" he asked. Joyce ignored his question. "Just watch her." she said, gritting her teeth. She turned to Audrey. "Alright honey, daddy's gonna watch now, okay?" she said. "Well I want you to watch too, Mommy." Audrey replied. "Well Mommy has seen it, TONS of times, but Daddy hasn't, so just do it for him okay?" Joyce said before rushing into the bathroom and shutting the door quickly.

Things have definitely drastically changed throughout the past 3 years. Audrey and Connor are 3 years old now, and since they've learn how to talk, they honestly never stop. It's definitely been difficult; lots of crying, screaming, and not getting any sleep. But Joyce and Hopper were happy with their life. So, so happy. Joyce finally got to raise a little girl, and Hopper finally got to raise a little boy.

Audrey is obsessed with any kind of toy; barbies, stuffed animals, you name it. She loves creating stories with her toys, and giving each toy a first, middle, and last name. Shes very imaginative, just like her brother Will. She loves to stand up on the coffee table and sing loudly for everyone around her. She likes attention, and lots of it. If she sees ice cream, cookies, or any kind of sweet, she goes nuts, and won't stop crying until she gets to have it. She's a total drama queen, but she's got a big heart, and loves her family so much, especially her mom. Her and Joyce do everything together. They have such a perfect little bond, they're best friends.

Connor, on the hand, is the polar opposite. of Audrey. He's shy, and usually just sits quietly playing with his toy cars. He doesn't seek attention, that's Audreys job. He loves watching cartoons and Disney movies; Hopper sometimes jokes that he's going to be an animator when he grows up. He's very intelligent, he always knows the right thing to do instead of the wrong thing. He doesn't usually like meeting other kids, but once he gets to know them, he really enjoys being around them. He loves hugging everyone that he loves, from his mom and dad, to his grandma and his siblings. Connor's a real sweetheart. He's a lot like his mom.

El and Will had finished high school just last year. Mike had moved down to Georgia to live with El a couple of months ago, and lets just say Hopper is not too thrilled about it. Will got a girlfriend, Jenna, who he met in high school. El and Will worked so hard in high school that they both earned scholarships for college. Will decided to apply to be a surgeon; he wanted to help people and care for people. (a/n: sorry guys ive been watching too much grey's anatomy lol) Joyce was really so proud of him for taking on such a huge occupation and handling it so well. On the other hand, El applied to be a school teacher. Even though she didn't spend a big time of her life in an actual school, she loved every second. She wanted to teach children, and help them learn to love school like she did.

As for Jonathon, him and Nancy finished college and bought a house together in Florida. To Joyce's request, they're planning to get married around the time they turn 25, which they fully understood and respected. Joyce just didn't want them to get married at such a young age like she did. Jonathon did anything to make his mom happy, and him and Nancy weren't nearly ready to get married anyway, so it worked out.

Today was Audrey and Connor's first day of preschool. Joyce spent months and months and months searching around for the best possible preschool in the area that she could find.

Joyce and Hopper were really nervous to send Audrey and Connor to preschool. Actually no, scratch that; they were utterly TERRIFIED. They just didn't want their kids to be anywhere without them honestly. Joyce and Hop loved their kids with their whole heart and soul; they didn't want them to grow up in the blink of an eye. Because everything seems to happen in the blink of an eye.

As soon as Joyce returned from the bathroom, she began getting Audrey and Connor's stuff together for their first day of school. Gosh, she still couldn't believe it was their first day of school.

Joyce had gotten Audrey a backpack with Princess Ariel on it (Audrey adored The Little Mermaid) and got Connor a backpack with cars all over the back of it.

"Hop, I think it's time to leave!" she called to Hopper from the other room. Hopper was carrying both Audrey and Connor in his arms before setting them down. "Car, car!" shouted Connor, pointing at his new backpack happily. "Yeah, mama got you a backpack with cars on it, isnt that nice?" Hopper said to him. "I love cars." he shouted. "Yeah buddy I know, that's why we got you it!" Joyce said smiling brightly. She put the backpack on Connor, and Hopper helped Audrey put on her backpack.

"Alright, you guys! You're all set!" Joyce said with a sniffle. "Don't cry mommy, crying is sad." Connor said, running up to Joyce. "Oh honey, I'm not crying because I'm sad, I'm crying because I'm happy." replied Joyce while she picked Connor up. "Oh ok Mommy!" Connor giggled. Joyce tapped his nose with her finger and he giggled some more. "Mommy, mommy, can we say cheese?" Audrey exclaimed. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot!" said Joyce, putting Connor down. Joyce grabbed the camera from the kitchen table quickly. "Okay, smile for mama! Say cheese!" "CHEESE!" they both shouted with a small laugh.

"Okay, Daddy's gonna take you to school now, Mommy is gonna go to work!" Joyce said excitedly. "Yay Daddy!" shouted Audrey. "Come here you little monsters!" Hopper said laughing as he scooped up Audrey and Connor. They both started laughing uncontrollably. "Silly Daddy!" Audrey said smiling. "Okay, wave goodbye to mommy, say bye!" Hopper said, heading out the door. Audrey and Connor waved back to Joyce. "Bye mama!" "Bye guys!" Joyce said with a slight crack in her voice.

Joyce sat and watched from the window smiling while Hopper buckled both kids into their car seats. Everything was absolutely perfect, exactly as it should be.

a/n: this is so short ugh i hate it but anyway hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! one more to go 🥺🥺
i'm seriously gonna miss this story sm once it's over
but like ofc i'll be writing more stranger things fanfics, this one will just have a big place in my heart 💗
also pls give me some suggestions of the fanfics i should write after i'm done with this one cuz i honestly have no clue. more jopper or nah? please let me know your opinions! thanks so much!💖

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