stand by me.

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at the movie theater
"Mom can I please get Skittles, please?!" Will asked. "Whatever you want. Todays a special day." Joyce said with a smile. Hop and Joyce got water, popcorn, and Twizzlers, El got popcorn, a slushee, and M&M's, and Will got a slushee, a big gulp of coke, a large box of popcorn, Skittles, Nerds, Pop Rocks, and M&M's. El looked at him like he was crazy. "What? Mom said I could get whatever I wanted!" Will said. El still looked at him like he was crazy. "I saw the opportunity and took it!" he exclaimed. El laughed.
They all sat down. Thank goodness they got good seats, the movie theater was PACKED.
Before the movie started, there was a bunch of coming attractions on the screen. El loved watching commercials. She realized that just a few years ago, she was sitting in a cabin, watching commercials all day for over a year because she couldn't leave the house. And now, she had a dad, a mom, 2 brothers, a boyfriend, 3 best friends, and now two more siblings. Now, she went to a school. Now, she could go to restaurants and public places. Now, she was free.

One of the coming attractions before the movie was of Coca Cola. El thought about how she was forced to crush a Coca Cola in the lab, and how she couldn't crush it at StarCourt. It's almost as if Coca Cola follows her everywhere.

The coming attractions soon went away and the movie started playing. El had never actually seen a movie in a movie theater, so this was a whole new experience for her.

El was kind of confused while watching the movie, but Will whispered to her what was going on.
"I'm confused." El whispered to him. "What are you confused about?" Will asked. "Where are they going?" said El. "Well uh...there's a boy who went missing...and they're going to find him. He's in the woods somewhere, and they're gonna find him. And they're having this big adventure along the way. And those things they are walking in, those are railroads tracks. Do you understand now?" Will answered.

El started to get flashbacks to when Lucas, Dustin, Mike, and her were walking on the railroad tracks looking for Will. She was wearing the blonde wig and pink dress with that blue jacket Mike had given her. She remembered that she changed the way the compasses where going because she didn't want her friends to get hurt. She really, really missed Hawkins. She really, really missed her friends.

"El?" Will said, snapping her back into reality. "Huh?" she asked. "I asked if you understood now." Will said. "Oh. Oh yeah."
"Oh okay, good." said Will smiling.
Joyce heard them talking. She looked over and smiled. "Was it like when we were looking for you on the railroad tracks because you were missing?" El whispered. "Yeah. Sort of like that. In a way." said Will with a laugh.

Will was a really great brother. She was so lucky to have him. And she was so thankful they had such a wonderful relationship. So was Will.

El heard a song come on in the movie. She really loved listening to music.
The song kept staying "Stand By Me", like what the movie was called. She thought about her and Will. Will would always stand by her no matter what. El felt like she could talk to Will about almost anything in the world. That's how much she trusted him. She loved him. So much. He was almost her best friend.
He was always nice to her, and alwyas helped her. He was always supporting her.

Will heard El crying in her room. It was a few days after Hopper's death, and El had just moved in with the Byers'. Will felt so bad for her. She had lost everything, all in one day.
He hadn't really talked to her since Hopper's death, so he was kind of hesitant to go in her room and comfort her. But after a few seconds of pondering his thoughts, he finally knocked on her door.
"Come in." he heard her say. Will opened her door slowly. "H-hey." he said. "Hi..."
"Um...are you okay?" Will asked. El shook her head slowly. "I just uh...I miss him so much. My dad." replied El, wiping away tears. Will didn't really know what to say. "Y-yeah. I'm just...I'm so sorry. I can't imagine the pain you are going through."
"It's okay." she said with a smile. "He'd want me to be strong right? I don't know. God, I just feel like I'm responsible for what happen to him. It's like I'm the monster. Again. I'm always the monster. I can't do anything right."
"That's not true. You are absolutely not a monster. And you are definitely not responsible for his death. You're amazing El, you really are. You're a really great person, you're a great friend. I know that I don't know you as well as Mike and everyone but... I just wanted to let you know're a really great person. And your dad, he's so proud of you. No matter what." Will said.
El started to cry a little bit. "Thanks Will." El gave him a big hug. Will smiled at her. El smiled back.

-end flashback-

"This is a really good song." whispered Will. El laughed. "Yeah it is." she said.

"And darlin', darlin', stand by me
Oh, stand by me
Woah, stand now
Stand by me, stand by me
Whenever you're in trouble won't you stand by me
Oh, stand by me
Woah, just stand now
Oh, stand, stand by me"

a/n: hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! i kinda wanted a Will and El chapter :) I love the movie Stand By Me and I thought it fit in with their relationship PERFECTLY haha! Anyway, make sure to vote and thank you so much for all the support!💗

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