yours, mine, and ours part 1

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8 months later
"Hop...Hop come on wake up, honey, wake up."
Hopper heard those words and groaned. He was half asleep and it was nearly five in the morning.
"No, no I'm fine..." Hopper said sleepily.
"Jim, I need you to wake up." "No..."
"Jim, I'm serious, wake up!" Joyce said patting him. "Just ten more minutes?" he asked. Joyce finally lost her temper. "JIM WAKE UP GODDAMNIT!" Joyce shouted, hitting him with a pillow. "Jesus Christ Joyce, what the hell did you do that for?!" Hopper said loudly. Joyce took a deep breath and sighed. " water just broke."
Hopper sat up immediately. "WHAT?!" He shouted. "Y-Yeah." she said nervously. "Shit, we gotta go to the hospital!" "That's what I've been trying to tell you!"
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god...wait, have you been having contractions?" "Yeah, every couple minutes..." "EVERY COUPLE MINUTES?!"

El and Will heard their parents and raced down stairs. "Mom, dad, what's going on?" Asked El. "Mom's water broke." Hopper said, gathering a bunch of stuff to take to the hospital. "WHAT?!" Said El and Will with excitement. "I know, I know, just please go get your clothes on, we have to go, okay?!" He said. El and Will stared at him with their mouths wide open. "LETS GO!" yelled Hopper.

Suddenly, Hopper heard a scream from the bathroom. "JOYCE?!" He screamed, rushing into the bathroom. Joyce was in severe pain, and was holding her stomach tightly. "WE HAVE TO GO NOW." she shouted. "OKAY, OKAY! EL, WILL, COME DOWNSTAIRS RIGHT NOW!" The two teenagers did as they were told. El grabbed a box of Eggos for the car and the hospital waiting room and the family sprinted into the car to drive to the hospital.

The whole morning seemed like a blurry dream to all of them. But after many traffic lights and screaming and yelling, they eventually arrived to the hospital.

Hopper pushed open the doors and ran inside. He grabbed Joyce a wheelchair, which she sat down in.

"WE NEED A DOCTOR! WE NEED A DOCTOR NOW, COME ON!" Hopper shouted, dinging the bell at the front desk forcefully. "Excuse me sir, did you say you need a doctor?" asked a nurse who ran to the front desk. "Yes, my wife's water broke and we need a doctor now." he replied angrily. "Okay, Okay, well I just need you to fill out thi-" "No, no, no I don't think so." he said, throwing the papers on the ground. "What's a room that's free?" Hopper asked. The nurse looked down at her notes. " 17 on the first floor and-" "Alright, thanks." Hopper said pushing Joyce to room 17. "Sir, wait a minute-" "Thanks again!" Hopper called back to her.

Hop finally managed to get a doctor to go to Joyce's room. The doctor asked Hopper and the kids to step out of the room for a moment while he ran some tests on Joyce.

Hop sat in the waiting room, turning the pages of a magazine quickly. El noticed. " okay?" she asked. "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine, I'm just great." he said, continuing to flip through the magazine with stress and frustration. "Dad, mom is gonna be fine, okay? She's really strong, she's got this." said El with a smile. "Yeah, yeah I know. I'm just so...worried." he answered. "I know. But everything is gonna turn out the way it should. You always told me that." El said. "Yeah...t-thanks kid." said Hop with a smile. El smiled back.

Suddenly, a doctor came from the hallway. Hopper stood up. "So?" Hop asked with a quiver in his voice. The doctor sighed and looked down. "Sir um...your wife is gonna have to have a C-Section." Hopper sighed and tightened his fist. "Of course she is." he muttered under his breath. "Sir, I'm really sorry, we've tried everything we possibly can do to help her have a normal delivery..." the doctor said. "Mr. Hopper we have one of the finest surgeons in the country with us for Joyce's delivery. All the way from Los Angeles; Dr. Addison Forbes Montgomery. Dr. Montgomery is a very gifted surgeon, and I know she is going to do everything in her power for a safe delivery. But um...your wife...she's a tad older than most of the woman that normally have children..." Hopper sighed and nodded slowly. "And even though Dr. Montgomery is the best, it's very dangerous for Joyce to have a C-Section at her age. We uh...well...we don't know if she's gonna make it."

a/n: hey guys! sorry this chapter is sooooooo short ugh. ive just been super busy with school and facetiming my friends and it's pretty time consuming and i don't really have time to write. also my mom makes me go on hikes sometimes bc she loves and nature and crap lmao. anyway, hope you all are doing good in quarantine, i know things are tough right now (trust me i cry myself to sleep every night lol) but just know that everything is gonna be okay (ew i should like such a mom) hope you enjoy this chapter and the epic cliffhanger 😉
pls don't forget to vote!!

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