the wedding part 3

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the after party, twenty minutes later
Everyone was rushing around and grabbing as as much food as they could. Hopper had apparently ordered all the catering, which Joyce was sort of scared about, but he insisted that he wanted to. Joyce hadn't seen what the dining hall looked like until she walked in.

"HOPPER! How on Earth did you do this?!" she shouted. Hopper shrugged. "My mom chipped in a little..." Joyce looked at him and smirked. "Okay, okay, she chipped in a lot...but only because she wanted to."  he said. Joyce laughed. "Smooth. Where is your mom anyway?" Joyce asked. Suddenly, Joyce saw Hopper's mom rush up to her. "JOYCE! There's my new daughter in law!" she said as she hugged Joyce tightly and rocked her back and forth. "Congratulations to both you kids! Especially you Jimmy." Hopper's mom said as she grabbed his cheek. Joyce giggled. "Oh geez, I knew this day would come. Oh and Joyce, I was just talking to your boys over there, they are both so sweet. You raised them really well."   "Well, I learned from you! Thank you so much Mrs. Colleen." Joyce responded. "No, please,  call me mom!" she said as she walked away and smiled.

Joyce beamed and looked around the room. "I can't believe it." she said. "What?" Hopper asked. "I just...I'm so happy. You know I've wanted this for so long and...I never thought it would be possible." she said. "Yeah. I know."  "We're a family now...all six of us." said Joyce. "Six? What do you mean six?" Hop asked. Joyce didn't say anything for a few seconds. "Hop..." she whispered as a smile appeared on her face. Hopper didn't know what to say. He just felt frozen. "Oh...oh my god..." he finally muttered under his breath.

Suddenly, they both heard El speak into a microphone. "Attention everyone, attention! Please take your seats. Okay. On behalf of my new brothers and myself, I would just like to say...congratulations Dad...and mom. All three of us love you so much." she said as she raised her glass of soda towards them and smiled. Everyone clapped. Then, Will took the microphone. "Um I'm so happy for you guys really deserve this." he said. "We know that you guys will be the best parents ever and we are so lucky to have you both. We're so happy that you guys are so happy." said Jonathon. Everyone clapped again.

"Anyone who would like to make a speech is welcome to." El said smiling. Karen rushed up the the microphone stand. "ME! ME! I'LL MAKE ONE, I'Ll MAKE ONE!" El and Will laughed as Mrs. Wheeler struggled to run up to them. She grabbed the microphone from them quickly.
"Well, first of all," Karen started, out of breath. "First of all, I called it, and second of all, I called it." Everyone started laughing. "But really, you two are some of the most kindest people I've ever encountered, and I'm just so excited to be here on your special day. I know we've drifted a bit in these past few years, but I want both of you to know that I love you." she said smiling. Everyone clapped and Karen gave the microphone back to El and Will.
"Anyone else?" Will asked. Several other people went, including Murray, Flo, Hopper's mom, and Nancy. "Alright, thank you all very much, and-"
But Joyce grabbed the microphone before Will could finish his sentence. "Um actually...I just wanted to say something. So uh first of all, Karen did call it, and second of all, Karen did call it." she said laughing. "But anyway, thank you all so much for the beautiful speeches and the gifts, and just for being here-it means so much to me and my family and it's such an amazing thing. We really miss Hawkins so much, and we are thinking about coming back..."  All the kids stood up and cheered. "THINKING ABOUT." Joyce said laughing. "But um...we do have an announcement, I mean, I have an announcement, no one uh...knows about it but...well a couple of weeks ago, I only thought I would ever have three, and a few days ago...I found out that...I'm gonna have four. And that just...blows my mind and...I didn't know when to tell...everyone, but now feels...right. Gosh, I don't know how to say this." Everyone in the room went silent.

"I um..."

"I'm pregnant."

"WHAT?!" El, Will, and Jonathon screamed. El jumped up and down and ran into Joyce's arms. " I'M GONNA BE A BIG SISTER?!" "Yes, El, your gonna be a big sister." Joyce said with a laugh. Will and Jonathon sprinted up to their mom and hugged her so tightly. Both of them had tears in their eyes. Karen ran up to her too and hugged her. "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT! YOU TOLD ME YOU WERE REALLY NERVOUS AND YOU WERE SHAKING WAY TOO MUCH AND YOU DIDN'T DRINK THE WINE I GAVE YOU, AND YOU WERE MAD FOR NO REASON, AND I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT!" Karen shouted. Hopper walked up to her and smiled. "I knew it too." he said. Joyce smiled at him and he pulled her into a kiss. "UGH! MY EYES! GEEZ!" El yelled. Joyce and Hop laughed. Joyce got a ton of more hugs from everyone in the room. She finally stood up on a chair and got ready to throw the bouquet. "Alright, everyone ready?" she shouted. Everyone moved out of the way so Nancy was the only one lined up with Joyce. Nancy looked really confused. Joyce got off of her chair and handed the bouquet to Nancy. "Congratulations, beautiful girl." Joyce whispered. "What?" Nancy asked. Suddenly, Nancy turned around and saw Jonathon on one knee (A/N: YOUR SO WELCOME JANCY SHIPPERS)
"Nancy, I've loved you since I first saw you and...and I love you so much that I never want you to leave my side. It doesn't have to be now, it doesn't have to be in a year, it doesn't have to be in five years, but...will you marry me?"
Nancy fell on the floor in tears. "Jonathon...Yes...yes I'll marry you." She said as she kissed him. Everyone clapped and shouted. Joyce hugged Jonathon so tightly. "You did good kid." Hop said, patting him on the back. Jonathon smiled. Everyone else ran up to Jonathon and Nancy to congratulate them.

"Hop...I uh...I need to tell you something. Something I should've told you a long time ago..." Joyce said. "Anything." Hop answered. "Well um...lets just say...this isn't the first time I was pregnant with your...your baby."   "What?"   " high school...I got pregnant but uh...I had a miscarriage." she said quickly. Hopper looked stunned. "Why didn't you tell me?" Hop asked. "I uh...I thought you would be mad and me and...and leave me. Also I was really scared to tell you..."   "Why would you ever think I would leave you?" he asked with a laugh. "I don't know..."  "I love you Joyce, okay? I love you so much, and nothing would EVER change that." Joyce smiled at him. "I...I love you too."

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I know this was a really exciting one haha! Make sure to vote, and the next chapter should be out in a few days! Thank you all so much for your support!❤️❤️❤️

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