The Holiday Begins

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Chapter 12: The Holiday Begins

[Day 1 of Holidays, Saturday, Hebe's Kitchen]

(Hebe and Calvin are eating breakfast at the table. Hebe is reading while Calvin is in deep thought and talking quietly to himself.)

Calvin: How can she not care? Was it...bad? No! It can't be! I'm a great kisser. Am I? (shakes his head) Of course I am! Why else would girl's like me? For my looks of course, and my great kissing.

Hebe: (shaking her head) I can't believe he's such an idiot.

(Calvin looks up at Hebe.)

Calvin: Is she talking to her book?

Hebe: So what if she doesn't care. It's not like it was something important.

Calvin: Yeah, she's probably talking to her book. (quietly) Just like Hebe.

Hebe: What's so important about a kiss anyways?

Calvin: Are you talking to me or the book?

(Hebe puts down her book and looks innocently at Calvin.)

Hebe: What?

Calvin: So you were talking to me? You heard me?

Hebe: Who wouldn't.

Calvin: But I was talking so low.

Hebe: So you thought. What's so wrong with her not caring? It should only bother you if you like her. *Gasp* You like....

Calvin: (quickly) Never! Why would I like someone like her?! She's so annoying, mean, stupid, cu.....cruel.

(Hebe looks suspiciously at Calvin. Calvin nods and then starts eating.)

[Day 2 of Holidays, Sunday, Hebe's Backyard]

(Hebe is sitting on the swing tied to the big tree next to her balcony. She's swinging on the swing and looking up at the sky. Calvin walks around the house to the back and sees her. Calvin smiles to himself. Then all of a sudden Calvin sees ugly Hebe swinging on the swing. He shakes his head and then walks up to the pretty Hebe.)

Calvin: Hi!

(Hebe looks at him and then back at the sky. Calvin goes and leans against the tree looking at Hebe.)

Calvin: So, you still swing?

Hebe: Why wouldn't I?

Calvin: I just thought you've out grown it.

Hebe: There's nothing wrong with a 22 year old riding a swing.

Calvin: (nods) That's true. Do you come out here often?

Hebe: (looks at Calvin) Why are you so curious?

Calvin: (smiles) I just want to get to know you better. We are going to get married.

(Hebe stops swinging.)

Hebe: We're not going to get married.

Calvin: Yes, we are.

Hebe: No we're not because I won't marry you.

Calvin: (appalled) Why? There's nothing wrong with me.

Hebe: Yes there is. There's a lot of things wrong with you.

Calvin: Like?

Hebe: You're cocky, a jerk, only think of yourself, sucks at dating, and you also have a nasty mind.

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