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"Do you not understand the word, Christian." She bit back.

"Your smart mouth's going to get you in so much trouble lately."

"I believe it already did. I know you're trouble." She said pointedly.

"Touché, Anastasia," he chuckled lightly. "So, you're going to stay for another day right?"

"That's twenty-four hours right?"

"Smart ass."

She giggled, then stopped abruptly.

"I have to tell you something."

"Uh oh, that's never good, right?"

"Why are we so comfortable with each other without the restriction of the contract?"

"Is that what you're going to tell me?"

"No, but I was just wondering."

"Maybe we can find the answer to it ourselves together, later. Now, tell me, what's on your mind?"

"The reason I chose that Fall Out Boy song isn't only limited to the fact that I hated your cocky, arrogant and egoistic attitude, but I also didn't like the contract and the lifestyle."

"Then why didn't you tell me? Or, why didn't you terminate it?"

"Because, Anastasia Steele never backs out of a challenge."

"So you see me as a challenge."

"Oh yes, and I'm sure a lot of people will tell you the same if they dare."

"Then, what conclusions did you come to?"

"I realized that I want a normal relationship."

"Hearts and flowers?"

"Not really, I don't like flowers. I'm not much of a romantic myself, but I do like sincerity and openness."

"And you want that with me."

"Well, it's your time to reject me now because I haven't decide if it'll be with you or with someone else."

"In this case, please, choose me."

"Give me a good reason why."

"I have twenty-four hours to prove that to you, and you'll be the judge of it."

"Deal. So, what time is it now?"

"3:22 pm."

"So, you have until tomorrow 3:22 pm to show me that you can be normal?"

He scowled at her word choice but nodded nonetheless.

"Jesus, Christian, you're so tense sometimes. No, actually, you're tense all the time." She giggled at his expression. "Oh my god, you are normal, okay. Your past doesn't say shit about you if you don't want them to."

"Mm... So, what do you want to do?" He asked, sounding very unconvinced.

"Don't you have anything planned? I thought you were trying to convince me of something."

"I do have something planned, but since I've been planning everything for the last three months, I thought maybe you want to plan something for us for a change."

"True. Good thinking..."

He smirked. "Also, just for the record," he raised a finger, halting her from her move to the media room. "You've not got a single submissive bone in you, you're possibly the worst sub I've ever had. How the hell did you come up with the idea of wanting to sub for someone?"

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