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"I'm sorry for not being considerate of your feelings earlier, Christian." She said, laying her head on his shoulder as they walked toward the awaiting SUV. They had landed a few minutes earlier and she had made good of her promise and allowed a picture with Noah. He squealed like a school girl which confirmed Anastasia's believe that he was batting for the other team, which somewhat put Christian at ease.

"What are you talking about?" He wrapped both arms around her waist, stopping in the middle of the ground, they were only a few steps away from the SUV and Taylor was already standing next to the door waiting for their arrival.

"I keep forgetting that you have insecurities, and that you'll get jealous any time and every time. I promised to be more considerate about your feelings because you're so much more than just a fling or a random relationship. I generally agree to take pictures with people who asked, and if they don't look like that have the right intention, I'd say no to the picture. You don't like my pictures being taken or being plastered on the internet, and I know that, but I'm just not used to thinking that much before making a decision about myself."

Christian sighed, there wasn't anything for him to say. It wasn't that he didn't believe that she truly felt bad about what she did, it was just that he wasn't sure how long was she able to keep to her words pertaining to being more considerate once she was back in California.

"You know what?" She sighed and started talking again, this time feeling stupid that she was apologizing when she felt like he didn't even believe her. "I know you're doubting me and you don't believe me, it's okay. Given my history and my tendency to make spontaneous decisions, I get that it's unlikely for you to just believe that I'd do what I say."

He wanted to reassure her that he trusted her, despite everything that she had told him about herself, facts that he didn't like one bit, he could feel that she was someone who would be loyal to her real friends and families. If she had considered someone her people, they could be rest assured that she had their backs and she would do anything to help them, even if it meant losing something herself in the process. She may appeared to be inconsiderate and aloof sometimes, but that was because she was looking out for something she deemed more important.

Both of their phones rang at the same time, and he was leaning toward the thought of letting it ring but Anastasia took out hers and picked up, so he had to swallow back what he had observed of her. He just didn't want her to think that he didn't trust her as a person, because he knew he could trust her with his life and she would never betray him. She just gave off an unapproachable vibe to people who didn't know her. Granted, she would't let many know her in the first place.

"Miles?" Anastasia frowned into the phone. She would normally step aside to take phone calls like this but since she didn't want to hide anything from him, she didn't bother hiding it.

Christian on the other hand snapped into his phone, "Grey."

From the look on their faces, it seemed like none of them were receiving good news.

"Why are you up so early?" Christian frowned to the phone, "no, I never signed anything for this deal. I was there to finalize the other one, yesterday. Andrea called me in, saying that the owner wanted it done." His impatience was affecting Anastasia, she wanted to step away so she could think straight, especially with the information that Miles was giving her. Luckily, he stepped aside, leaving her to her own. She didn't mind him hearing her conversation but she certainly needed a quiet space and clear mind to conduct this phone call.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Miles, wait, back up." She stopped the other speaker, "just what exactly is it that you want out of me?" She asked, only to chuckle back humorlessly shortly. "Of course I know you well. I have been well acquainted with your species. Besides, you were there growing up." She listened to the response before scrunching up her face in utter annoyance and irritation. "Well, fuck if I'll be saying yes this easily this time. If Jess knows then there's no way for me to deny it is there. So, I'll bargain with you, but I have to get back to you. I'm not that easy to get now." She explained. "And Miles, I trust you to remain patient. I'm meeting you this time. Same time, same place. You know where." She said before she hung up.

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