The Prince

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Donald was a young man, but a man none the less. He had already attended college and been through several stages of life. Donald hated his father. Frederick had mistreated him for as long as he could remember and he hated him for it. Donald had tried to be a good son in his youth. He did well in school, always obeyed the rules, and never caused any trouble, but his father hated him anyway. He did not understand it. Why had his mother left him when he was so young and why did his father blame him for it? But more than hate was jealousy. Donald was his father's son and the apple did not fall far from the tree. Donald was greedy, selfish, and extremely proud. He no longer wanted to gain his father's approval. He wanted to crush him. His father had built a kingdom in business and he wanted to topple it. He wanted to build an empire. He wanted to out do his father by so much that he would have to bow down to his power. Donald's father may have hated him, but he did not let him starve. Just the opposite actually. Donald was able to spend as much as he wanted as a young man and he spent a lot. He lived an obscene lifestyle full of debauchery and vice. The only thing Donald loved more than booze was women and he had had plenty of both long before his troubles began. He missed that life style and he wanted it back. He wanted the money, the power, the fear. He craved all of it and he would give anything for it. But alas, Donald was his father's son and just like his father, he had extremely bad luck. Donald had studied business in college and he excelled, graduating near the top of his class. Even with all the parties and women, he still managed to graduate with honors. But his pride got the best of him. Fredrick had always made it clear to Donald that he didn't love him. He was merely a responsibility that had been placed onto him and had to be dealt with like anything else. So he dealt with it. He supported Donald all the way through college and even gave him a little money to start his adult life, but after that he cut him off. Once Donald had graduated, his father considered him a man. He would no longer give him any money or help him in anyway. Donald was on his own, and just like his father had been before him, he was broke. Donald didn't want to work for someone else. He wanted to be his own boss and rule over others like his father, but he just couldn't get anything to work out. Everything he tried to do failed. He had opened restaurants, shops,and lots of other businesses, but they all went bankrupt just like his father's before he made his deal. Donald just couldn't understand it. Why was his father so lucky and he so unlucky? Fredrick had never told anyone about his deal with the Devil and so Donald was completely unaware that his father's success was unnatural. He just thought it was a matter of luck that he just didn't have.But that didn't stop Donald. He was all but broke now and he was getting closer and closer to middle aged with every passing year. He still had time, but he wanted to be rich before he was too old to enjoy it. He would give anything to reclaim the life of luxury he once had.

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