The Husband

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Donald wasted no time trying to collect the 5 souls needed to gain his freedom. He would need to find 5 people who wanted money more than anything else in the world and buy their soul from them without letting them know what that actually meant. He was determined to achieve this goal in the time allotted. He had made many deals over the course of his life and believed that he could pull it off. The first person Donald met was Mark Grit. Mark was a poor man. He had a wife and 2 kids. One daughter and one son. He was a God fearing man and he prayed every day. He worked 3 different jobs just trying to feed his family, but he never seemed to have enough. He wanted to believe that one day he would be able to escape the continuous slavery that consisted of his everyday life. Donald met him by accident on the street one day. It was raining very hard and Mark was walking home from work. As Donald's car pulled past him, he told his driver to stop and follow Mark down the street. Eventually Mark caught on and went directly up to the car. "Why are you following me?," Mark asked. The back window rolled down, revealing Donald. "Why don't you take a cab? No man should walk in such a storm," said Donald. "Can't afford it," Mark replied. "Can't even afford to eat and feed my kids. What good would a taxi do?" A sinister smile appeared on Donald's face. The car door opened. "I would offer you a ride home directly, but I was on my way to dinner when I saw you. If you would care to join me I would be happy to drive you home directly afterward," offered Donald. Mark hesitated. "I would of course pay for the meal. Mark's stomach moaned. He did not trust most people, but the promise of a free meal was to strong. He entered the car. "Driver to the most expensive restaurant you can find," commanded Donald. The meal was extraordinary. Mark had never seen so much food at one time for merely 2 people. "Eat whatever you like," laughed Donald. "I was once a poor man myself so I know how it feels." Mark obeyed. "So how many children do you have?," inquired Donald. "Two," answered Mark as he took another bite. "Have some wine. It's to die for," offered Donald. Mark shook his head no. "I don't drink. The Lord looks down upon drunkards," said Mark. "So you're a God fearing man?," asked Donald. "Yes sir. Pray every day. Go to church every Sunday," answered Mark. Donald sighed in disappointment. "How would he be able to convince a true believer into selling his soul? Mark noticed the look on Donald's face. "What's wrong sir?," he asked. Donald thought for a second and then decided to come clean. He told his whole story. Everything from his own misfortunes to his father's demise. "I was going to offer you enough money to take care of your family for the rest of their lives in exchange for your soul, but after hearing of your faith I didn't think you'd be interested," said Donald. Mark thought about this long and hard. "And you would guarantee that my family would be taken care of for the rest of their lives?," asked Mark. Donald's eyes lit up. "Absolutely," said Donald. "It would be a contract sealed in blood and if I were to break my end the whole deal would be null and void." Mark sighed a long depressed sigh. "I'll do it," said Mark. "I would suffer for eternity if it meant that my family would be ok. But you must promise me that they will be taken care of for the rest of their lives, even after you're gone as well." "I'll put it in my will," said Donald. "Then you've got a deal," said Mark somberly. Donald got to work straight away. He pulled out the card and spoke the terms of the contract. The words appeared just as Wolfstein had said they would. He took out the dragon pen and they both signed. Donald had taken his first step towards freedom, but at the cost of another man's soul.

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