The Payment

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The last soul Donald got was by no means challenging. The acquisition is a very simple tale. Daniel was a terrible business man. He had been a friend of Donald's in college. Donald considered them more acquaintances than anything, but he liked him for some reason. After they had graduated, they had stayed in touch. Daniel's luck was almost as bad as that of the Fausts. He too had failed at many business ventures. Once Donald had become rich, Daniel began borrowing money from him to start different companies and investments over the years. He always said that he would eventually pay it all back, but he never made any money to be able to. In the years 46 years that Donald had been wealthy plus the 17 that had passed since they graduated from college Daniel had amassed a debt of exactly 13,842, 976 dollars and 66 cents ironically. It was less than that without interest, but these were always seen as business loans, so of course there was interest included in the deals. With only a few months left, Donald arranged a meeting with Daniel one day out of the blue. Daniel had an idea of what the meeting would be about. Donald was old, but he was still greedy. Or at least that's what everyone who knew him thought. He knew that he would finally be held accountable for all the money he owed even if he was an old man and an old friend. Daniel entered the study. Donald was sitting in one of 6 chairs arranged in a circle. "Come in Daniel," Donald said. Daniel walked towards the circle. "Take a seat," Donald ordered politely. Daniel sat down in the chair directly to Donald's right. "Hello Donald, it has been a long time," said Daniel. Donald wasted no time. "Daniel, do you know why I have called you here today after all these years." Daniel scratched his head. "I think so," he answered. "So do you have the money," Donald asked nonchalantly. Daniel began to sweat. What would happen to him? Could he really be expected to pay such a large debt? He shook his head no. "I didn't think so," continued Donald. "Daniel I have a proposition for you. I will expunge all of your debt to me and anyone else you might owe money to if you would simply sign this contract." Donald pulled out the final black card. The words were already printed on it:

The party of the first (Daniel Stone) does hereby trade his soul for the expulsion of all debts owed to the party of the second (Donald Faust). The party of the second also agrees to pay all debts to any third parties that the party of the first may also owe any sum of money to.

______________________________                              ______________________________

Daniel Stone                                                                               Donald Faust

Donald had already signed his name. Daniel stared at the card. "Was he serious?," he thought. "Does he really want my soul? And what for? Could he even really take it just by having me sign this little card?" "That's it," Donald said. "Just sign the card and it all goes away." Daniel thought for a few moments. "You don't really have a choice Daniel," Donald said in a serious tone. He was right. Daniel couldn't really say anything. There was no other way he could possibly clear the debt and the many others he had. He took out a pen. "Please. Use mine," Donald said and pulled out the dragon pen. Daniel signed it in his own blood like all the others and that was it. Donald had finally gotten his 5 souls and with a little time to spare. "Wolfstein I summon you," commanded Donald. A lightning bolt hit the center of the circle and Wolfstein was instantly there. "You dare call me with such a tone Faust?," asked the Devil. "This better be important. I was busy." Wolfstein was not omnipotent like the Lord. He actually had to travel around looking in on his contracts and getting information from his scouts. He had not heard anything about Donald since their last meeting. He just assumed he would fail and then he would return to take his soul in a year's time. "I have your 5 souls," Donald said and fanned out the 5 cards. Wolfstein scowled at the cards in disbelief. "Let me see those," Wolfstein said and then snapped his fingers. The cards appeared in his hands. He examined each of the cards carefully. He was shocked. He couldn't believe that Faust had actually been able to trick 5 people into giving up their souls in so little time. A look of anger appeared on his face. He looked at Daniel who was sitting speechless in the chair. "And you must be Daniel," Wolfstein said angrily. "Wha-wha-what's going on?," asked Daniel. "Foolish humans. They never pay attention or think things through," Wolfstein said. "Am I free now," demanded Donald. "Not yet," said Wolfstein. He clapped his hands together and began rubbing them against each other. This went on for a while. Finally something began to happen. Something began to appear in each of the other 4 chairs. As Wolfstein kept rubbing the figures became more solid. It was Mark, Greta, John, and Robert. They were materializing from wherever they had currently been. Mark was wearing a suit and tie. Donald had kept his promise and given the Grit family a fortune. Mark had not become spoiled like most people do. He used some of the money to start a business and it was successful. He had been at his desk speaking to a client. Greta was wearing a full length fur coat. She had been at dinner with another rich man trying to get more money. John was wearing beach shorts and a Hawaiian shirt. He had traveled to the Bahamas, bought a house, and kept partying ever since. He was just about to take yet another woman to see his house, but more to the point his bedroom. Robert was also wearing a suit and tie. He was in the middle of swindling some man out of a tidy sum. It wasn't nearly as much as he had lost to Donald, but it was enough to get by on for a while. He was still trying to make up for that damned card game. "What's going on?," said Greta. Mark was disappointed, but not surprised. He had been waiting for this day. Donald had not told him when he would have to collect, but he told him it would be less than a year. Mark had taken this very seriously and had made sure to get his affairs in order and tell his family. His wife was so angry. She did not want to give up her husband for something as unimportant to her as money. But she couldn't stay angry at Mark. She loved him too much. "Donald? What the hell's going on?," said John. "That's exactly what's going on," Wolfstein said. "What's he talking about?," asked Robert to no one specific. "You five have sold your souls to the man who sits before you," boomed Wolfstein. "I am the Devil and you have been summoned here to pay the debts you owe." "You're not the Devil. He is," said John jokingly while pointing at Donald. Wolfstein was so angry. He transformed into a huge version of his demon form without a moment's notice. It was not on purpose as it usually was when he was trying to prove his identity. This was entirely out of impulse. "Silence you fools," he thundered. "You have sold out and now you must pay what you owe." The demon opened its mouth and threw the 5 cards in. He roared and suddenly all five victims began convulsing. They were dying just as Frederick had. Donald couldn't bear to watch, but he couldn't look away either. A green orb exited through each of their stomachs and floated over their now lifeless bodies. The Devil began to suck in air like a vortex. The five souls flew into his mouth. A huge explosion occurred and a cloud of smoke appeared. When the smoke cleared there stood Wolfstein again calm and collected. In his hand was the black card with Donald's name on it. "I should hire you," said Wolfstein. "You do good work." "There's nothing you could offer me that I would even consider taking," countered Donald. "Is it finished?" Wolfstein sighed. He ripped the card in half and threw it from his hand. The pieces burst into flame and disappeared before they hit the ground. "Yeah, it's done," answered Wolfstein. "You are free. You will live the rest of your life with your soul in the ownership of you or whoever you decide to give it to." "I'm pretty sure I'll be keeping it," said Donald. "Well I guess that's it," said Wolfstein. "If there's nothing else, I guess I'll be leaving." He raised his hand. "Oh. I apologize. Let me clean up this mess," he said. Wolfstin snapped his fingers and the 5 bodies disappeared. Donald was angered. "Bring back Mark Grit," he demanded. Wolfstein was surprised. He snapped again and the body returned to its chair. "Friend of yours?," Wolfstein laughed. "I'll be going now." "Wait," Donald ordered. He pulled the dragon pen from his pocket for the last time. "You almost forgot something," he said as he walked up to Wolfstein and placed the pen in his hand with a smug grin. Wolfstein was unhappy. "Your father says hello," he said sarcastically. A tear fell from Donald's eye. "Maybe I'll see you again sometime," Wolfstein said. "I hope not," retorted Donald. Wolfstein laughed, snapped his fingers and disappeared. Donald heard one last sentence in Wolfstien's voice. "You can keep the money," the voice echoed through the room. Donald sighed and fell back into his chair. It was finally over with.

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