The Kingdom

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About 25 years had passed. Things were much different for Frederick now. Everything had happened just as Wolfstein had said it would. His wallet gave him as much money as he wanted and everything he touched turned to gold. He used his new found luck to go into the real estate business, building everything from housing complexes to casinos. He was now rich and successful just as he had always wanted. Everyone greeted him when he walked down the street. He was a feared and respected man, but like too many men, money had changed him. Frederick had once been a pious man, full of kindness and love. He was poor, but he always did his best to help others in his own way. Now he had become greedy and stingy. When he first got the wallet he was very charitable. He went out on the town every night, and gave money to every beggar he could find, remembering how he had once struggled. He threw lavish parties and never gave a second thought to the bill, but after a while all that changed. As his fortune grew more and more, so too did his greed. It was as if money had gained hold of him. He would ignore people in need, treating them as if they didn't even exist. He destroyed entire neighborhoods in his quest for power, extending his real estate kingdom more and more. His name was constantly in the news because of some new project or investment, but just as often because of the pain caused by his greed. Frederick had everything money could buy and yet he was not happy. He had no friends and essentially no family. People no longer wanted to associate with the miser and no one could get close to him even if they wanted to because he would always drive them away. He had acquired a wife some years back, but she had only wanted him for his money. They had a son and then she disappeared with a sizeable, but ultimately unmissed amount of Frederick's fortune. She had left the child with his father though. Frederick despised Donald. Every time he looked at his son he saw his unfaithful wife. He felt like his son was just another person trying to get money from him. He was a hard father and he raised a hard son.

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