The Goodbye

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Frederick's contract was at its end. He had just a few hours left. He had spent the last year sick in bed. Ever since that last meeting with Wolfstein he had been afflicted. Even with all the money in the world, no doctor could cure a direct attack from the Devil. His money kept on growing, but his health kept on declining. His contract had said he would get 46 years of wealth, but nothing had been said about his health or youthfulness. What a fool he was to anger Wolfstein. He had always kept up his part of the deal. He hadn't even really lied to him about what the outcome of the deal would be. But it was too late to think about that now. His final wish was to see his son one last time. He wanted to try and make things right even if he couldn't make up for all the lost time. Donald came. He had just recently started really coming up in the world. After he made the deal he quit his job and started an advertising company. This was the beginning of his empire just like he had wanted. He didn't have anything to say to his father, but who was he to turn down a man's dying wish. Donald entered his father's room. Lying in his bed, Frederick recognized his son even after all the years. Tears welled up in his eyes. "Son," he said.Donald showed no emotion. "Come closer," Frederick said. Donald walked up to the bed. Frederick sat up and hugged his boy. "I'm sorry," Frederick said. "I know that doesn't make up for it all, but I really mean it," he continued."Why!?," cried Donald. "Why after all this time do you call me here and act like I mean something to you?" "I was wrong son," answered Frederick. "Don't call me son," yelled Donald. "You were no father and I am not your son." "It wasn't your fault. I always blamed you, but it was never your fault. Your mother left us both and I couldn't deal with it," said Frederick. "If I could go back and change it all I would, but it's too late for that. I know how you have suffered over the years and I know what you have become. I only hope that you don't make the same mistakes that I did," he continued. Donald was shocked at this response. His father was the richest man in the world. What mistakes could he have possibly made? He couldn't be referring to his parenting. That wasn't that important in the grand scheme of things. "Let me tell you a story son," said Frederick. Donald sat in a chair next to the bed. "46 years ago today . . .," continued Frederick. He went on to tell his whole story. About his once impoverished existence, his chance meeting with Wolfstein, and how he had sold his soul for money. As it neared the final hour, Frederick finally finished his story. "And that's the whole truth son. I just thought you deserved to know and hopefully avoid the fate I have and will come to suffer,"said Frederick. Donald burst into tears. "Father, I'm sorry," cried Donald.Frederick was surprised at his son's reaction. "It's OK son. I have accepted my fate if it will keep you from making the same mistakes," answered Frederick."It's too late," cried Donald. Frederick's jaw dropped. "I already sold my soul to the Devil," continued Donald. "It was about one year ago today when Wolfstein came to see me." Donald pulled the black card from his wallet, tears flowing down his face. Frederick began crying as well. He pulled his card from the wallet on the side table next to the bed. For the first and last time the two were father and son, sharing the same anguish and disappointment in themselves. "I have failed," said Frederick. "It's all my fault. I die a failure and a fool." The clock chimed. Wolfstein materialized from nothing."Hello Freddy. It's been a while," said Wolfstein with a smirk. "Demon!," said Donald. "How could you do this to us?" "I merely gave you what you asked for,"answered Wolfstein. "My price was no secret. You knew exactly what you were getting and what it would cost you when you signed the contract. Now if you'll excuse me, I have something to collect." Donald jumped up and moved to the front of the bed. He put his arms out so as to shield his father from Wolfstein. "You can't take him," said Donald. Wolfstein laughed. "As if you could stop me human," retorted Wolfstein. He snapped his fingers and Frederick began choking. Wolfstein smiled and stood still. The coughing grew worse.Donald turned around to see his dying father. Frederick's body began convulsing. Frederick got out 2 final words. "Goodbye son." He died. Donald started crying. "Goodbye dad. I'm sorry." A small green orb flew out of Fredrick's chest. Wolfstein looked down at his ring. It was in the shape of a snake wrapped around his finger with its mouth facing upward. In its mouth wasa large green orb. Wolfstein began rubbing the orb. The green ball flew over Donald and into the orb. "Well, glad that's all done," said Wolfstein. "Give him back," Donald screamed. "Mr. Faust!," thundered Wolfstein. "Your father and I had a contract. I kept my end of the bargain and now he has kept his. It's merely business. Now please stop all this nonsense. You have 45 more years and I suggest you enjoy them, before the same end comes to you," said Wolfstein. Donald dropped to his knees. "I want out," begged Donald. Wolfstein scoffed."Out? There are no outs. A contract is a contract," answered Wolfstein. Donald took the black card and tried to rip it in half, but it was stronger than any steel. It would not even bend. "I'll pay any amount of money you want," begged Donald. "Just like your father," said Wolfstein. "All of you humans think that what matters to you matters to me. If it did then why would I be so willing to give it away?," continued Wolfstein. "There is no amount of money. I want only what I purchased and nothing else. Now if you don't have anything else important to say I rather must be going." Wolfstein vanished just as he had come. Donald was still on the floor crying.

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