You meet again

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Your POV:

It's been almost 2 weeks from the encounter with that turtle. I don't mind that he's a turtle, I mean I don't mind, but I'd like to ask him about how he actually came to be. Like a turtle and a human didn't- a knock on my window distracted me from my thoughts. I was confused because not only was Luca, a guy from school, not coming over, but I live close to the top floor, so who is knocking on the window. I opened my curtain and locked eyes with that turtle in purple named Donatello. I smirked opening the window and looking at him. "We won't see each other again huh?"
"Oh very funny, can I come in or what (Y/n)?" He stared at me and I laughed.
"I mean I guess you can Don," I said smiling softly and walking to my bed and sat down. "So what brings you by so late? Ya know I have school tomorrow," I said looking at the turtle climbing in through my window. Definitely didn't think I'd be here with a turtle that was close to 6 feet tall.
"I just wanted to check in, make sure nothing weird has happened cause I'm the best when it comes  to solving problems if you didn't know."
"Well I don't know much about you Don." I watched him walk around my room. "Hey are you good at math?"
"Oh trust me, good would be an understatement," he said almost too cocky.
"Oh well sorry, I just wanted to know if you'd help with my math homework while you're here, but if you're too good you can leave."
"I got time to kill, bust out that math homework and put on some toons. Lets get cracking."
"God you sound like an old man Don," and with that I pulled out the Geometry homework I had. I wasn't one for school work, so of course I focus more on my athleticism and outfits. He stayed for a while helping me until he got distracted and started to dance to the music. I couldn't help but laugh a bit. He was a pretty cool turtle and I got that pretty cool turtle's number.


Your POV:

Sitting on the roof became a nightly tradition. I'd spend time on April's roof in a fluffy blanket or a nice warm sweater. April would bring me a snack every so often, but I would always request enough to feed two. Today was no different. April brought me two mugs of coacoa and lots of cookies. I finished half of my coacoa when I heard footsteps. "Hello?"
"Hey, you up here all alone (Y/n)?" Leon questioned. Of course Leon was here. I turned to look at him smirking.
"Still wearing that turtle costume?"
"You know it, Whatcha got there?"
"I got coacoa, you want a mug? It may be a little cold but it still good, promise!" Leon sat down and I ate my snacks with him. We talked for a while about Jupitor Jim and our families. He told me about his brothers and I told him about April and my aunt and uncle. Time just seemed to fly by when we were hanging out. His phone started ringing so Leon pulled out a phone which kind of had a turtle shell shape.
"Hey Don, what's up? ... Yeah I'll be right back, I'm doing something. ... Alright fine ... I'll cook something, ya know how amazing my cooking is," he turned and winked at me making me laugh probably a bit too loud. "What? ... No I'm not with someone, I'm on a roof. Someone's window is probably open," and with that he said his goodbyes to his brother and ended the call. "Well (Y/n), thank you for the snacks but I better be on my way," and he stood up finishing his coacoa.
"Hey uhm, would you want to hang out again?" I asked him kind of hoping for a 'Yeah of course! Let's do this all the time you're such a cool person' instead I got a,
"Oh well uhm, if I can find time I will drop by, Uh here!" He handed my his phone and smiled. "Put your number in so you're not out here in the cold every night," and so I did. I took a photo and added little hearts and flowers on it before setting it as the profile picture. "I'll uhm, I'll text you."
"Alright Leon, I'll see you around."


Your POV:

Once again I'm on the roof. On lookout watching the roofs. "Hey!" I whipped my head around and low and behold there is that turtle in orange. Mikey I think? I sighed looking at him.
"What do you need Michelangelo."
"I just wanted to come see you again, are you always up here?" I nod and look back to the roofs keeping an eye on my surroundings. "Why?"
"Because I have a job to do a-"
"Laaaaame! Come with me, lets go to the park!" I just stared at him. Did he not know what responsibility was? Sighing I stared at him. "You're not saying anything so lets go!" I blinked and in that time he picked me up and jumped off the roof! I was to scared to scream, so I just held onto him. That is the most invigorating thing I've ever done and I don't want to do it again. Eventually he stopped jumping and I looked up from my place in his plastron. I looked around at the park.
"It's cool right?" He set me down and smiled. I couldn't take my eyes off the surroundings. The park looked really pretty at night. I nodded and looked at him.
"Can we walk around...?
"For sure dude! Let's walk, but stay out of view of people, deal?"
"Yeah, I guess that's a deal," I said smiling softly and so we walked. I stayed close to him and stayed in shadowy areas when people were walking by. It was probably the most fun I've had in a while. We walked and walked until I noticed the time. "Oh Christ. My shift is over in three minutes. I have to go! UH- where are we????"
"Uh Ruckle Park. Like a 15 minute walk by street, 6 by ally, and 2 by full speed roof hopping from your building."
"Let's for oof hooping, Now!" And without hesitation he picked me up and Mikey just started going and doing jumps from roof to roof until we got on top my house.I looked around and saw that the dude who was switching with me had not arrived yet. I sighed and looked at him.
"Well I'll see you again (Y/n)," He smiled softly at me.
"Oh here!" I gave him a little piece of paper before waving off.

Raph :

Your POV:

I sighed looking around the shop. Not busy, but I still had to interact with a half hour before closing when I heard a loud Boom come from the back of the store. I slowly moved from behind the counter and started walking back there. I could hear grunting and I peeked my head around and there was Raph and a big ass hole in the wall.
"Crap, these guys don't know when to quit.:"
"Uh... Raph?" I asked looking at him once again in the turtle costume with a red bandanna. I saw his eyes widen as he turned around and saw me.
"(Y/n), you work here...?"
"Uh yeah, did you just fly through my wall...?"
"Uhhh... Noooo-"
"Hey RAPH! Could use your help!" And out walked a dude shorter than Raph and a smaller build wearing a turtle costume and blue bandanna only to smirk. "I'm gonna say that drawing was not a character~?"
"I'm gonna say you're Leo." I said smiling and waved. "What're you guys doing?"
"FILMING! We are filming, we gotta go. Sorry about the wall (Y/n)!"
"Wait Raph-" And with that he leaped out the hole and into the alley. I looked at Leo. "What's his problem?"
"He gets nervous around girls." And with that Leo jumped out into the alley. I heard yelling, smart alec remarks, and more BOOMs for a few more minutes before hearing a cheerful yell. "Lets go back to the home, Raph you go convince that girl we weren't here!" Leo shouted and I can only assume the yelling of 'Wait what girl' was from his other brothers. I stood and poked my head out.
"You good out here Raphael?" I was confused as to what just happened. It definitely didn't look like a filming had just happened.

"Oh nothing to worry about. What're you doing?"
"Well I'm closing up now, gonna feed the animals and then go home to do homework."
"Can I help?!"
"With what...? My homework?"
"Oh no I'm horrible with that stuff. I want to help with feeding the animals!" He smiles and god was that adorable, especially with the little snaggletooth. So I complied and he stayed to help me. I ended up just chatting with him while we fed and cleaned up animals. It went by fast and he walked me home through alleyways. I put my number in his phone so we could chat more since he was a pretty cool dude.

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