Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

She could not bear to go back to Théodred's bedchamber, she was not ready to see her brother laid out, being prepared for burial by the women of the court. She did not want to let anyone see her grief, for she knew that when she looked at him the anguish would come pouring out. She needed to do something though, so Théadain focused on what she could control, what she could do to try and begin healing the wounds that scarred her home. The thought was beginning to settle in her mind that drastic action would need to be taken, and soon. She could almost feel it in the air, how weak and vulnerable her homeland was, and now it seemed she was the only one left who could try to change that.

The morning was still young as she stepped from the shadowed hall onto the parapet that surrounded it, breathing in the clear air of the early Spring dawn. The city was quiet, the sounds of daily life muffled by a blanket of mourning.

"They know already?" She murmured softly as Háma approached her side, his expression one of carefully contained sorrow. He had loved and respected her brother as any man of the Mark did, he had looked to him as their future king.

"Gamling informed the people shortly after dawn, Lady Éowyn asked him to."

"I would rather they heard it from him than Grima." She nodded, wrapping her arms around herself as she braced to hear the answer to her next question. "What has become of my company, Háma?"

"Baldan has led them well in your stead." He reassured her softly, "They are currently patrolling the outer limits of the city."

She breathed a sigh of relief as she nodded, fearing some disaster similar to what had befallen her brother's company; "I want them summoned, Háma. There is much to be done here, and I need my men with me."

"I sent a rider shortly after you arrived last night, my Lady. I expect they will return soon." He smiled softly, seeing how she turned to look to him in surprise, "There are still those in Edoras who remember you father as he was. We saw his strength in your brother and we see it in you. Whatever can be done to support you, it will be done. If you ask it, we will follow you."

"Follow me?" She frowned, her fingers digging into her upper arms at the implication of his words, "Háma I am not the heir to the throne, when Éomer returns it is he who will need your allegiance."

"Until then, the people will look to you. Whether you are set to inherit the throne or not, they see you as a leader."

"Only until his return." She sighed, shaking her head, "I am no queen, Háma. That was never the life I was destined to have... I know you hope I will have the strength to drive away the poison that has infected our land, and I pray I have it too. I value your support, but do not place a crown on my head." She swallowed thickly, glancing around to ensure there was no one nearby to overhear them; "Once Théodred is laid to rest, then I will take action. I will risk nothing until after the funeral."

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