Chapter Twenty One: Kyiira

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Kyiira felt Arkin's hand in her own and squeezed it gently. She faced the window and watched the outside.
They knew the truth now. And she knew what had happened to her family.
This information should they choose not to reveal it or not was dark.
It was rank in its odor of deceit and deception. People had died in this secret. Blood had been spilled there.
It was just like Level Fourteen, the place she though she'd escaped forever.
She'd thought she'd outran the secrets, the killing, the filth.
But she'd simply delved back into another place of filth and decease. Of crime and murder and blood and lies.
She was right back where she started; with more truths to revealed and lies to be unravelled.
Smiling with eyes as dark as hell she said to Arkin and beyond.
"Welcome to Level Fourteen."

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