Chapter Seven

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Oliver smiles softly as he stands in the doorway to Faye's room.

Nyssa and Faye were fast asleep on Faye's bed.

Walking into the room, Oliver slowly places a blanket over them before kissing their foreheads. Leaving the room he moves toward the nursery to check on Leo.

Leo was staring at the ceiling.

Chuckling, Oliver leans over the crib and gently lifts the infant into his arms. "Hey buddy."

Leo looked at Oliver, a smile crossed his face.

"What are you doing up?" Oliver asks, moving over to the rocking chair and sitting down.

Leo giggled.

Holding his son close, Oliver began slowly rocking the chair.

Leo smiled, stretching.

"Close your eyes buddy." Oliver says softly.

Leo kept his eyes open.

Chuckling, Oliver shifts his son and holds him against his chest. Continuing to rock the chair but now also rubbing Leo's back.

Leo smiled at Oliver.

"Go to sleep little man." Oliver says softly.

Leo giggles as if Oliver had said something funny.

Shaking his head, Oliver continues trying to get Leo to sleep.

Leo remained awake, occasionally kicking his feet, smiling and laughing.

Sighing softly, Oliver stands up and begins walking around the house, attempting to get him to sleep.

Leo was having none of it. He wasn't tired.

"Come on buddy, go to sleep." Oliver says softly.

Leo smiled.

"He's not going to sleep." Nyssa says softly.

Oliver shook his head. "He's stubborn."

Nodding her head, the brunette walks into the room. "I'm sure he's hungry even if he's not crying."

"You can try." Oliver shrugged.

Nyssa steps forward to grab Leo.

Oliver let Nyssa take Leo and smiled softly at her.

The brunette smiles back before moving toward the living room to sit down and try feeding the baby.

Oliver kissed her head. "I'll check on Faye."

Nodding, Nyssa lifts her shirt and tries getting Leo to latch on.

Leo just looked at her.

"Come on buddy, it's time to eat." Nyssa says softly, running the tip of her finger along his cheek.

Leo's mouth opened a tiny bit but he continued to just stare at her.

Shifting, Nyssa rubs her nipple against his lips.

"Why isn't he feeding?" Oliver asked, brows furrowed in confusion.

"I don't know." Nyssa says softly.

Leo yawned.

Sighing, Nyssa passes him to Oliver and fixes her shirt.

"I guess he was still tired." Oliver shrugged.

Nodding her head, the brunette shrugs. "I guess so."

"He'll eat when he wakes up." Oliver said.

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