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"I love you too."

Seán came down to see me, surprise me, confess his love for me. And in the end, we loved each other.

Everyone couldn't be more happy, cheering from the rooms they were snooping from.

The rest of the party was spent talking about mine and Seáns future.

Wedding, Children... A life together.

I can't wait.

I slept with Seán in his hotel. The two of us enjoyed the company of the other, talking to each other face to face.

When we finally fell asleep it was about 4 in the morning.. but when Seán started walking me up again, it was 6.

"What's going on..?" I groaned looking up at his hovering face, reaching over him to stretch. "What's up?"

Seán smiled childishly at me before rolling on top of me, his back to my chest. "PAX. Come with me!"

I laugh at his childishness and held him, rolling him back to his side of the bed. As I caught my breath I sat up. "PAX? Is it already?"

Sean laughed and turned to his side looking over at me. "That's another reason I'm here. I didn't want to mention it because of the surprise." He teased.

"Did you want me to come?" I asked, watching Seáns face twist in confusion.

"Of course! Come with me!" Seán stood up out of bed and raised his hands, throwing it everywhere. "Be recognized as a new YouTuber, watch other panels-"

Then he stopped and looked me in the eyes smiling. "Come on the panel with me and the guys."

"Are you sure? That's a big leap." I asked again standing up to find my clothes.

"Of course! I'll message them to get the okay and I'll message the panel manager."

Before I could protest he ran out and into the bathroom.

I stood in the hotel bedroom, watching the bathroom door with a smile before changing quickly and walking to the exit.

"I'll be back in a few, I'm going to change into better clothes for my fans I suppose." I call to Seán making him chuckle.

"I'll be here!"

As I arrived back at the hotel, I watched as Seán sat in the lobby sipping coffee and scrolled through his phone with a smile.

"Oh my stars is it really Jacksepticeye!" I whisper yelled to Seán as I walked up to him, making him pop his head up.

"Uh yeah-"

Before he could really get a look at me I gave him a hug, jumping up and down. "Oh my stars, I looove your videos."

Seán gave me a hug back hesitantly. "Thanks.." I could hear the nervousness in his voice as a 'fan' met him in his hotel.

I pulled away smiling finally showing myself to Seán. His face lighting up as he hugs me back for real. "Jeez don't do that to me. You gave me a heart attack."

I couldn't help but laugh as I held him in the hug.

Seán pulled away finally and grabbed my hand. "C'mon let's head out. The panel starts in an hour."

Arriving at the building for PAX, I met so many people for both Seán and me. I took some tips from Seán as I greeted the fans and gave them an autograph.

Seán took me to the panel stage we were both going to be on. He watched as the people before us were finishing up from backstage.

He held my hand as he watched, making me smile. I looked up at him watching Seán's eyes twinkle.

"So what do I need to do?" I ask him.

But Seán didn't answer. His gaze stayed glued on the panel as they finished. And as the group began to walk away from their seats Seáns eyes began to look down, deep in thought again.

I rubbed his hand realizing he was starting to dissociate, gently pushing him downing against the wall to help him sit.

Seán sat on the ground, struggling between the different alters before finally coming back.
"Ah shit.." He groaned, rubbing his temples. "it's still Seán.."

I kneeled down rubbing his shoulder, "How are you doing?"

He shrugged. "I'm okay I guess.." Seán gave me a weary smile before sighing. "I don't know if I can do the panel.. I can already feel one of them trying to front.."

"Do you know who? Maybe the audience won't know?"

"No." Seán's voice was sad. "I usually do but I don't want us to be out to the world yet.."

Jack (Jacksepticeye DID! x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now