The Panel

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"No." Seán's voice was sad. "I usually do but I don't want us to be out to the world yet.."

It didn't take much to convince Seán to still do the panel. Mark, Ethan, and Felíx came later, all yelling and play fighting with each other.

Seán hopped in as if nothing had happened, like his fear had disappeared.

"5 minutes," One of the crew bad called as another comes up to help me strap on a mic.

After the mic was on, I peeked out to look at the crowd.

A sea of people waited for us. I could feel their energy as they waited. Excited.. Anxious.. I could say the same.

Once the time came to be on stage, I watched as Mark and Felíx ran on stage, calling out their infamous intros.

As Ethan began to run out, Seán called out to him, "Do a flip!"
Ethan stopped halfway and glanced back and eyed him before continuing with his intro.

"What do I do?" I look to Seán as he stretched for his intro. He smiled at me, reaching his hand out.

"Let's go together."

I smiled and grabbed his hand. Before I could say a second word he began to run, bringing me onto stage with all his friends.

The audience began to cheer, calling out Seáns name and how much they love him. Few people recognized me and began to call me out too.

We stopped at the center stage and paused letting everyone get a full look of us, still holding hands.

And everyone freaked out.

Seán never got the chance to do his intro over his fans crying out over our relationship. So we sit at one of the chairs next to Mark, my cheeks already hurting from smiling.

Felíx is first to speak, briefing everyone on our panels schedule.

"Alrighty, Alrighty. Now first we'll do a Q and A." The fans started to cheer, making us all laugh. "Then after, if we have time, we'll talk about upcoming plans for our channels?"

Ethan stood up grabbing an unhooked mic from nearby and hopped off stage. "Please start making a line in front of me to start answering questions!" He called in his childish tone.

Before we knew it, a line of fans were lined up in front of Ethan and we were all answering the questions that the fans could think up.

The first few were for Seán and I. "How'd we meet", "Are we dating", "is Septiplier dead"? We gave them all vague answers due to Seáns circumstance.

After a while the questions for us died down and began turning to the others.

We were laughing and poking fun at each other. Answering questions, receiving gifts, giving hugs.

We we're all having such a great time that I didn't even notice Seán wasn't Seán anymore..

Seán had pulled his hand away from mine, somewhat aggressively, when I had noticed.

I looked to him confused, when I realized, he was the most confused.
He glanced around slowly taking in his environment.

I leaned in covering both our mics to try and help the alter for the setting they were put into.

"We're at a panel in front of your fans. Just answer like Seán would." I told them. But he looked to me with even more confusion.

"What..? Seán?"

I nodded unsure of how to react.

"Who's Seán?" He asked, looking to the crowd before looking down to his hands. "How long did I sleep?"

This wasn't one of the alters that I knew.
It was someone new..

I told the alter to act as normal as he could before turning to the closest person to me.

I leaned over to Mark and tapped on his shoulder, still covering my mic, getting him to do the same.

"What's up (Y/N)?" Mark asked.

"Can you make up an excuse for Seán and I. Seán isn't.. Seán right now.."

Mark glanced over to the alter with a smile, "Oh? Who is it. They usually do great at panels and live videos."

"That's the thing." I started, looking back at the alter as well. The alter sitting up tall, hands in his lap and looking out at the crowd still. His hands were shaking from nerves.
"He doesn't know who Seán is. I don't think he knows where he is right now."

Mark's face dropped slightly, before nodding. "I got you. You two go now and act like it was an emergency." And he sat back.

I nodded and leaned to the alter, telling him to follow me. As I stood and walked out, he did too. Once we un-mic'd I took him to a safe spot in the building and sat him down.

"Okay. So just a clarification, are you still.. you?" I asked when he had sat down. The alter had nodded.

"I.. I am but, where am I?"

"It's a social media event called PAX..? Remember that?"

He shook his head, "No. All I remember was going to sleep, then waking up here.."

"You don't remember Seán?"

Again he shook his head.

I was getting nowhere with this back and forth thing. It's like talking with a lost child.

"Do you know your name?" I asked, hoping to get something from him.

He thought for a little bit before responding, "Jack."

// I know I said "alter" a lot but I had no better word to describe him.

This was the twist I was talking about. 🤭
He's been vaguely talked about so much and now he's back.

But what about Seán?


Jack (Jacksepticeye DID! x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now