The Home Life

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"I'll protect us all enough so an attempt like that doesn't happen again.

"I promise"

Being in Ireland was a massive change. The food, the money, the people. But thankfully I was helped by Jack and the others.

Jack never fully recalled what happened between the years he went dormant but some became muscle memory when it came to daily life.

Every day I sat on the couch, watching Jack walk himself to the kitchen and make himself some coffee. After he would take himself into his recording studio.

When I check on him, He would be watching the videos that Seán made leading up to PAX.

I had been posing videos from Seáns drafts but the last video will be uploaded tomorrow.

On social media, I watched as many fans commented on how weird his schedule and how off the videos had been. I left the choice up to Jack to say something but he wanted to stay undercover for now.

Jack did however want to start making videos again. I sat down with him and helped orient him with all the equipment.

Games Jack chose were ones he had already played. He wanted to get the hang of being a gamer again. We decided to call it, The Week of Nostalgia.

After getting a few recordings done Jack came out excited.

"(y/n)! That was so fun!" He called out, running to me. I set my phone to the side and greeted him as he plopped on the couch next to me.

"How many videos did you make?" I asked, adjusting myself to look at him, watching Jack's eyes twinkle as he thought.

"Um.. 4? I played a few different games."

I patted his leg, smiling. "That's great! You need to tell your fans that  new video's coming out tomorrow instead of the backup."

Jack smiled as he pulled his phone out, typing out a tweet before he stopped.
"What if I'm not good enough..?"

"What do you mean?" I watched as Jack's face twisted into unease.

"What if I'm not as great.. what if they know I'm not Seán..?"

"Jack.. Hey, you'll be okay. You can change the channels style to your liking if you feel like it."

Jack smile at the remark but continued to stare at his phone screen until it went black. He stood up and walked into the kitchen.

"Jack what are you doing?" I asked standing to follow him into the kitchen.

"It's Chase." He said, with a smile as I entered. Chase was making another cup of coffee as well as reheating some leftovers from the previous night.

As he bit in, he glanced to me. "Did you want some?" Chase asked with his mouth full.

I shook my head. "I'm good for now, Thank you." I sat across from Chase, looking over at the left over container.

Henrik's don't touch.

My eyes lit up. "Uh.. Chase?" I picked up the note and flipped it to Chase. "I don't think that was yours."

Chase looked up from the food and his eyes opened wide. "Oh fuck." He dropped the food he was eating and grabbed the container.

Chase dropped the food back into the container and looked back at me. "Do you think he'll notice?"

I looked at the half eaten food and back at Chase's worried face before I shook my head. "Nah, I think your good Chase."

Chase gave me a smile before setting it back into the fridge, grabbing his coffee and topping it off with some Jack Daniels before walking off.

I decided to edit Jack's gaming videos so he could at least get started on Nostalgia Week.

I sat down in the recording area and started myself in editing a Happy Wheels video. Jack liked watching Seán so much that I guess he wanted to try it out.

After editing two videos and sending the other two to Robin, I walked back to the living room and sat on the couch, exhausted before falling asleep.

I felt tapping on my forehead, making me jolt awake and turn to the source.

Jack sat next to the couch, looking up at me, wearing Jackieboy's mask and cat whiskers on his cheeks.
He gave me a bright smile and stood up, raising his hands above his head as if to stretch.

"Goood morning!" He called out, swaying his arms side to side.

"Good morning..-" I looked at his outfit fully, Jackieboy's leotard under some of Marvin's magician clothes. "-Jackie? Marvin?"

They looked down at their outfit smiling. "Both! We saw a movie we liked and both came out."

"O-oh?" I said still confused, sitting up to try and wake up more. "What movie were you watching?"

I grabbed the remote and looked at the TV, seeing the title, DC Superheros. The last spot it was left on was Zatanna, a hero I'm sure the two would have fronted on.

I smiled looking at them. "Well, are you hungry?"

Their eyes lit up. "Yes! Pancakes please!" They asked, before running into the kitchen. "I'll help with my hero magic!"

I laughed as I stood to get ready to clean any mess the two were to make.

After breakfast, I sat at the table looking through their Twitter. Everyone seem to thoroughly enjoy the beginning of Nostalgia Week however, some fans noticed how off 'Seán' was..

I sighed before deciding to watch today's upload.

As I watched, I heard Marvin and Jackie walk behind me, staring me down.

"I'll play with you in a second, let me finish this video. Okay?" I responded without them even asking, not turning around and continuing the video.
Or trying.

They continued to stand behind me. Stepping closer as I paused the video.

"Marvin, Jackie. Can I finish the video please?" I turned to them only to be met with their blue eyes, filled with tears.

"Hey, hey, hey." I stood up, not caring about the video anymore, to hug them. "What's wrong?"

They hugged me close letting the tears fall before he muttered something.

I rubbed their back as I pulled away.
"What was it?"

He looked me in the eyes as he smiled wearly, tears were pouring from his eyes as he responded. "I'm here."

I looked to him, confused as to what he meant as he leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek.

"I'm still here.."

//Okayyyy so!

First off, the two littles Marvin and Jackieboy had a situation where they were blended.
This means that both fronted at about the same time and both have control.

I used They/Them pronouns so you knew it was the two littles.

Yes I brought up Nostalgia Week 😆

I also made some art for System and Jack! --> 

I also made some art for System and Jack! --> 

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Jack (Jacksepticeye DID! x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now