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So! I am here to give you information not included or not as known in the books.

It's a lot, so you don't need to read if you don't want.
Process of how I came up behind it is in the photo! Sorry for the handwriting 😅

As you should know, Jack is the original Host. But once he goes dormant, Seán is the 'host'. But Seán is only co-host.
He was given the title after appearing when Jack went dormant.

Jack and Seán are both normal alters and only had the title "host" to them. Both are the age of the body. Even after Jack went dormant.

The first alter to appear, JJ, is a disabled, Trauma holding alter. JJ is a teen so.. about 18-19? I should've had him as an elder alter but I it didn't fit.

JJ's disability (being mute) caused the Trauma to worsen thus bring Anti.

Anti is the Protector and a demon. Everyone else is human but Anti sees himself as a demon.

He doesn't believe he can die until the accident that was discussed showing the scar.
Something I also started integrating was a disability. He tends to twitch a lot in videos so I thought maybe tourettes would fit.

After Anti, Marvin appeared. Trying to cheer up Jack, JJ, and Anti.
Marvin is a Little. He is at least.. 5,6? 

After, Jack had went dormant for a few years before Seán had gotten into a serious relationship. This relationship had then gotten more abusive (no not Signe, she is a beauty and I love her still). Thus, fronting Chase.

Chase is the trauma holder of the second abuse. The abuse still affected JJ and the rest don't get me wrong.
Chase is also an alcoholic (getting better once 'you' arrive) and the caretaker of the littles and JJ. Anti scares him.

Jackieboy Man is a little (9-10 years). He showed up to help entertain and help with cheering everyone up. He wants to be a superhero when he "grows up".

Henrik is tricky. He was meant to be a military type alter from how he speaks and he goes about with his doctor care. But I decided to also integrate that with the gatekeeper alter.

Shneep would be the type to know all so I gave him that role. No one knows how old he is but he has been there since the beginning of Jacks life.

The system name Seán gave them is the Septic System. So Seán YouTube name is now a mash up of Jack, who was previously a "dead alter", and their system, who no one knew of at the time.

Thomas Sanders alters didn't have as much thought sadly.

Virgil was a protector as well as Roman.

Roman.. hate to say it probably would be a sexual alter.

Logan, again, gatekeeper. But also a disabled alter too. Autism but I never showed him or Roman.

And Patton, I don't know.. honestly?

I know Thomas has more to his personality but I don't know what they'd be placed in. I only had the intention of the four.

The rest of Seán/Jacks friends are without D.I.D. even if they have egos. I didn't want to cover that.

The story went off from the original outline but it came back eventually.

I had so much research go into this and now I follow so many systems that I looove. I did the same with my deaf book too. If you want recommendation I'll let you know. ☺️ --here's the site to look up some of the alters. This was the one I looked at but I had actually people I used as well.

I don't know much to say now..

Thank you..? Again?
Honestly. You all are amazing for reading this far.

Thank you so much

♥️ Mikey Mae

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