The Video

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"I'm still here.."

"Sean?" I asked, my eyes lighting up as tears begin to flood them. He nodded before giving me another hug.

I couldn't help but to cry as we held each other. We ended up sitting on the floor not to long after.

I had been so strong, keeping a straight face about his situation but I was scared and depressed after the situation at PAX.

Knowing that he was back after weeks of being dormant, it had cleared my heart of despair.

Seán was the first to pull away from the hug, although it looked like it pained him.

"I can't stay for much longer.. Jack is close to the front.." He smiled at me before wiping at the stream of tears.

"Please don't leave me again.." I asked knowing it's helpless as I grab at his hand.

"Don't worry. I'll be back." He said, giving my hand a long kiss before he allowed Jack to switch.

Once Jack switched he held my hand and looked to me in confusion.

I hid my face from him, using my free hand as I attempted poorly to stifle my cries some more.

Jack didn't care what happened or if I tried to hide it. He leaned forward and held me for until I calmed down.

Days after days since Seán's front, we tried anything and everything to stimulate another one. But anything we tried only resulted in another alter fronting.

It only made me frustrated that I knew how close we were but, nothing I did would help.

But that's when Jack made a call that shook me.

"I'm going to tell everyone." He said, sitting in his recording chair, his face determined but still had residual spots of fear tied to him.

"Are you sure, you're okay with this? There's no turning back after.." I added watching as he took a deep breath, reading himself.

"They know it's not the same. If I come out and tell them, hopefully.. they'll understand me a little better." Jack smiled to me before pressing the record button.

I stepped out of the way and watched from the corner, silently supporting him as he revealed and explained his long-time diagnosis.

After I helped Jack review, the video before setting it to public for the world to see.

Almost immediately his and my phone blew up with notifications. Many supportive, understanding, as well as know it alls saying "I told you!". While some told him, he was faking it and it was just to be more popular.

We watched as the comments and notifications rolled in. Messages from friends telling Jack that they supported what he did and they stand by him.

Jack smiled watching as the video hit number one on trending.

"This is amazing!" He said squeezing his phone as he checked it for the 50th time in the past hour. "I've surpassed everyone!"

I checked as well and smiled, seeing Jack's face on the trending page. Below was another prank video so, expectations couldn't be too high.

Jack grunted with confusion, making me turn my attention on him.

"If I did it.. Then why don't I feel good..?" Jack said his tone sounding shameful as he looked down at his phone, scrolling through more comments.

"It'll get easier don't worry about not fitting in right away.."

Jack shook his head before holding his phone up to me.

So you've murdered people right??

have you watched the movie Split?

But you don't have a lot in your "system" so it's not real. Maybe schizophrenia

Why not try fusion? That way you're a person again ♥️

I read more and more comments about Jack's video before I took his phone.

"No more phone time." I stated, standing with our phones and walking it over to the table to set it down.

When I walked back Jack held his head in his hands, sniffling.

I sat next to him, rubbing his back. "Don't worry, it'll blow over soon."

"I don't care!" He cried out, his hands balling up into fist. "I didn't want to do it in the first place. I didn't want people to see the true me and accuse me of what? Faking it?"

Taken aback, stopped rubbing his back. "Jack you wanted to do it. It was your idea.."

"No, I did it for you, to get Seán to front." He explained before muttering, "Seán hated the idea too."

"For me?" I couldn't fathom it.. "Jack, you didn't need to reveal you big secret to the world to get Seán back for me."

"But it would make you happy." That's when he decided to look at me, his eyes tired and his voice low.
"I know how upset you've been since Seán left.. This, I guess, is how I can make you happy..?"

I sighed reaching over to hug Jack close. "Thank you Jack, but you didn't need to do that to make me happy."

He shrugged in the hug, too tired to care. "Too late now.."

Now was the matter of waiting..

// I feel like I explain myself every part I make 😆

Fusion! Not completely like Steven Universe.
Remember the blending we discussed last chapter? How two alters could be fronted at once?

Fusion can be two or more alters blended forever and it is a permanent method. It's can be a last resort.

Edit: "This can be the goal for some systems, and is usually achieved through therapy. It is when all of the alters in a system blend, or integrate. Integrations can happen on their own in a system without therapy, and it is when the amnesic walls between alters break down. This often creates a new person with a new name and personality, though they can choose a name of one of the alters they 'used to be'." Thank you too RoseWood266 for giving more insight on this!

Split is loosely based on D.I.D. and I MEAN loosely. I have not watched the movie but just know that it is not any sort of representation towards the community. This is also where the comment of the murder comes from 🙄.

It's late when I wrote this sorry if it's weird..

Thank you for reading!

Jack (Jacksepticeye DID! x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now