The Jack Situation

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"Do you know your name?" I asked, hoping to get something from him.

He thought for a little bit before responding, "Jack."

I looked at 'Jack' in awe.. "Like.. Jackieboy man right? You're messing with me, right Jackie?"

His face twisted again into confusion, "Jackieboy man? That's a weird name but not me."

He placed a hand on his chest smiling as he stood tall, "I'm definitely Jack McLoughlin."

It didn't help me smile..

I sat watching Jack as he looked around the room we were in.
He pulled out the phone from his pocket, examining it closely before a notification lit up the screen and startled him.

"I don't recognize anything... It all looks.. really advanced.." Jack said, his face starting to look distressed as he looks to me.

I reached my hand out to him. "It's okay. You've been asleep for a while."

Jack nodded giving me a smile. "You're really sweet. What's your name?"

I looked away from his eyes trying to keep my attitude the same as it's been. "(Y/n).."  I seen his smile fall from the side of my eye.

"I'm sorry if I upset you.."

"It's not that it's just.." I looked back at his puppy dog eyes before looking down at my hands. "I don't know what will happened to Seán.."

Jack's stare burned into me as we sat in silence. I stared at the table as Jack tried to start up a conversation again.

"Was Seán.. me?" He asked making me look up at him. "I know I have two people that are kinda like me.."

Before answering his question, I had to ask. "Which two?"

"I think his name was JJ and another one.. He was angry and got me in trouble a lot but never told me his name.." Jack told me.

I gave him a smile, "Jameson does like to be called JJ. And I think that angry one was Anti. He does get into trouble."

"Are they asleep too?" He asked.

"No. They've been awake with more friends. Seán was kinda the person that was awake more when you fell asleep." I explained to him, as simply as possible. Jack nodded, thinking hard about it.

"Soo.. there's more than JJ and Anti?"

I nod to him. "Maybe when you feel tired you could talk to one of them to know them better?"

As we talked more and more, Mark ended up finding us in the hidden away rooms.

"So what's going on?" Mark asked taking a seat next to Jack looking him up and down. "Is it Jameson?"

"No its-"

"Jameson? Doesn't like coming out." Jack said matter-of-factly. Looking Mark up and down too, wondering who the new person is.

Mark gave me a look of confusion. "If he can talk then he should've been able to continue with the panel. His alters know how to react when their live."

"I know that, Mark. But it's not any of them." I sighed before looking to Jack. "Did you want to introduce yourself?"

Mark looked back at Jack, his face even more confused. "Introduce..?"

Jack nodded and held his hand out to Mark, nervously smiling. "Hello, I'm Jack. You are?"

"Mark.." Mark responded, shaking his hand back before standing and walking to me. "Can we talk for a second..?"

I stood walking to a corner to were we both can still see Jack as he looked around looking at his phone, still trying to figure it out.

"Jack?" Mark whispered to me. "Is this recent?"

I nodded to him. "He didn't know about Seán or anyone else but JJ or Anti. He thinks he was asleep and everything is new to him."

"Damn.." Mark rubbed his eyes as he paced a little as he watched Jack.

"What do we do Mark.." I asked, my eyes filling with tears.

"It's fine." Mark stopped, his eyes focused as he thought. "Let's force a switch and try to get Shneep out. See if he knows anything."

"A force switch?"

Mark nodded and looked around the room before grabbing things like sanitizers, tissues, and napkins.
"Se- Jack grab things that look.. doctory?"

Jack perked up before looking around the room we were in. Not much was in it but he grabbed what he could, finding a first aid kit.

Mark then sat down with Jack sitting next to him. Mark opened the first aid kit and dug though it.

Jack started to look out of it as he looked though the kit as well. He shook it off by rubbing at his eyes and holding his head.

"Ah ha!" Mark said as he pulled out a small blade, making both Jack and I jump.

"What's that for Mark?" I asked wearly.

"I'll make a small cut on my finger and once Shneep sees, he'll come out." Mark said, like it was normal for him to do.

As he started for his finger, I began to reach for it. But a voice stopped us both.

"Are you a vucking imbecile?!"

We both turn to look at the angry face. He carefully snatched the blade from Mark and set it into the kit.

"Shneep?" I asked in amazement.

"Vell of course! I couldn't let our closest friend get hurt on our watch." Shneep snapped at Mark making him chuckle.

"You know I hold a lot of trust in you. I wouldn't have don't it." Mark smiled making Shneep roll his eyes.

"Vhat vas so important that I needed to come out?"

I sat down across from Shneep, taking in a breath before asking. "Do you know if Seán is okay?"

"Seán?" We watched as Shneep thought. "I.. I hate to say this but I don't know vhere he has gone."

Shneep look to Mark then to me. "Perhaps he had been pushed far beyond the mind place that not even I, can find him"


To clarify.
Jack's sleep was pushed do to his traumatic experience and he needed a break. Since he had alters he went into a 'sleep' were Jack was dormant for years on end. It is common for the dormant alter to wake up and resume life.

Jack mentally is childish now because of this. He's now behind in everything, that's the reason for you talking to him that way.

Jack is the original host and once he went dormant Seán took over as Co-host to resume the balance in their everyday life. Seán was never guaranteed a place to stay if the host came back.


If you have friends with DID or OSDD. Do not do a forced switch on them. This is just for the purpose of entertainment. Doing it in real life can mess with a system for real. Please don't do it.

Thank you for reading!


PS. ☘️Happy St. Paddys day!! Stay safe! ☘️

Jack (Jacksepticeye DID! x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now