Chapter 18: The Ultimate Showdown Part 1

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The war was upon you and your friends as you and the others were ready to defend your town. As you arrived to the battlefield with your comrades, you would see the enemies arriving as well. You looked around to check if any civilians were around and you waited for who would throw the first punch. Then there leader would arrive and with one word the battle began.


Melleo used her stand to sink everyone to the ground except her and Shinji and Sekiro. X and Tito continued to watch and see how the rematch will go. While underground there was a dungeon  with one enemy and one ally the winner could only escape. You and Yakan were up against Leeroy. Zenneth, Sierra were up against Shu. Ayze had to take care of Brock, Iza and Phy. And Gine and Tyrian has to fight Aya and Moe. You and Yakan circle around Leeroy until he dashed towards Yakan, summoning his stand and ready to kill in one strike but Yakan barely catches his sword and You rushed ready to deal a attack but then you remember that your attacks might not be able to hit him, so you teleported to the ceiling of the cave and used your stand to crumble the ceiling causing Leeroy to become distracted. This gave you and Yakan the opening to hide among the rubble you caused. Leeroy became enraged and started destroying more rubble, this gave Yakan the opening to give some good damage to Leeroy. You decided to jump in and both of your stands unleashed rush attacks onto him. Leeroy took the hits but his stand attacked Yakan from behind. Yakan barely dodged it only injuring her Shoulder. You decided to make your own exit out of the cave but Leeroy planned to take someone with him to die and he chose you. Leeroy unleashed True King and went full power and became calm, Leeroy was so focused the aura around him became more deadly. Leeroy went on a full assault with his ability and slashed at you. Your stand blocked it with a hardened skin ability but you felt your bones break specifically your left arm. Yakan and Leeroy would begin to clash and trade blows with each other, as the damage Yakan received earlier proved to be the game changer. To save Yakan from dying you unleashed a attack you remembered and shot a ruby at Leeroy head causing him to fall unconscious. You tended to your and Yakan's wounds before escaping back to the surface.

Zenneth and Shu has a stare down as Sierra could feel the tension between them. Zenneth has a plan but was afraid that it would fail. Sierra summoned her stand ready to do her part of the plan, Lightbolt would be dashing all over the place, causing moving afterimages. Shu kept bullying Zenneth to the point where he was predictable without the use of foresight.

Shu: Pathetic, I should just kill you. Your so easy to predict that you'll end up dying in 5 minutes.

Zenneth: Oh yeah prove it, if I live past 5 minutes you got to admit defeat and surrender.

Shu: I'll make sure you wish far more than death.

Zenneth and Lightbolt kept distracting Shu, Sierra was ready and waited for Zenneth to give her the signal. Zenneth used a special technique he created just for Shu in order for this plan to work.

Zenneth: Lightbolt: Mirage of Light

Shu looked around and saw nothing but clones of Lightbolt and they all started to move fast creating many more moving afterimages than before. This was the signal that Sierra needed. Sierra threw her sword at Shu, but he used foresight. This was part of the plan as Lightbolt took the sword and every moving afterimage had a sword. Shu questioned when to used Foresight to see the next attack, as he kept getting scratches from attacks made by Lightbolt. Shu used his head and decided to cause environmental damage to ruin his flow of movement, but as soon as he moved he was impaled from the back by Lightbolt.

Shu: I underestimated trash, I violated one of my master's teachings. F*ck you Zenn-

Shu fell to the ground, Sierra insisted on leaving him, but Zenneth being the better man decided to heal him first. Zenneth and Sierra proceeded to go to the surface for the final match they will face.

Ayze: No one is leaving here alive.

Ayze's whole body was surrounded by a flowing gas, then it started to expand through out the cave. Brock used his stand Magmetal to create barrier around him and his friends. Ayze placed his hand on the barrier and it slowly melted away. Iza used his stand Bad Presence to knock Ayze back.
(Editors Note: Magmetal gives Brock the ability to control metals| Power: C Speed: B Range: A Durability: B Precision: A Learning: D. Bad Presence is a non visible stand and only responds to movements and commands by its User, not even the user can see it| Power: B Speed: B Range: C Durability: E Precision: A Learning: ???)

Ayze: Annoying Vermin, Die. Hazard Requiem: Dissolving Volanco.
(Editors Note: Hazard Requiem caused the user to release dangerous chemicals from its body| Power: A Speed: C Range: A Durability: E Precision: D Learning: E)

The floor was filling up and it's some type liquid and the air was still full of gas. They covered there mouths and noses. Phy finally summoned his stand Heat Hero and send a flaming ball of fire towards Ayze.
(Editors Note: Heat Hero has the head of Purple Haze and the Body of Magician's Red and is fully red| Power: A Speed: B Range: C Durability: C Precision: B Learning: C)

Ayze: Become Dense.

The flaming ball of fire his a dense part of gas causing it to become flammable and igniting everything causing an explosion. Ayze escaped barely, having his clothes burnt up and a few first degree burn scars. On the surface he just saw Zenneth and Sierra escaping, while Leeroy and the twins were still underground.

Gine: Ready
Tyrian: More than I'll ever be.

Gine activated her stand Moon Dance but to only to her surprise only Moe fell unconscious.. Tyrian increased his speed with Clockwork and was about to kill Moe but suddenly stopped by Aya.

Aya: The reason you can't get past me, is because of my stand Mothership.
Tyrian: That doesn't explain why I can't move.
Aya: Dont need to, Ill crush your internal insides.
(Editors Note: Mothership gives the user psychokinesis and can cancel out other stand abilities| Power: A Speed: A Range: D Durability: B Precision: A Learning: E)

Gine ran towards Moe in order to kill him but was stopped by Aya. Tyrian became desperate enough to use Clockwork's Gamble which would decrease his last buff but improve anew buff. Tyrian broke through her ability and started attacking her. Aya loosened her grip on Gine to protect herself against Tyrian. Gine finally dealt the blow to Moe, killing him and Tyrian pins Aya into a corner. Aya unleashed a last resort attack causing the underground to collapse on top of them but Gine escapes and becomes saddened by the death of her Brother. When she reaches the surface, she leaves the battlefield. Aya would barely survive as when she reaches the surface only to be the last one to leave, Sekiro would heal her and the rest that escaped.

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