Chapter 20: Good Ending

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3rd POV

[Y/N] felt the urge to kill Shinji for all that he did for the past few months of terror that the town experienced. [Y/N] opened a portal into a different dimension, it had no official name and it's different for each user. Yakan walked up towards [Y/N].

Yakan: Is this your plan to deal with him after what he's done?
[Y/N]: I noticed that we only won by pure luck and not by strength, we can't stop him again. This is the only way that we'll be safe.

Yakan kicked Shinji into the portal and [Y/N] closed it and sighed in relief. X came down to the battlefield and stood before Zenneth and picked him up and put him over his shoulder, he did the same to Sierra. X proceeded with o walk away from the battlefield.

Yakan and [Y/N] took Melleo to X's place, before going back home. When they reached the house they went to bed with no hesitation. When they awoke in the morning the townsfolk went back to normal and people wanted to train harder than ever before. Since Yakan and Melleo are the only other High 6 left, they decided to held a tournament 3 months from now. [Y/N] and Yakan went to visit Melleo and the others, but to their surprise, Zenneth was being harshly trained by X to use his requiem power correctly, while Melleo was just staring into the Horizon in a daze as her blue eyes looked lifeless. Sierra was in a wheelchair and looked happy but deep down, she hated her current situation. [Y/N] walked up to Sierra and held her hand.

[Y/N]: Hey this isn't a problem you have to deal with, this just means you gotta work harder to get stronger, if you give up Zenneth will never forgive you(and won't be your boyfriend).
Sierra: I appreciate the words of encouragement [Y/N] but, no stand user fights in a wheelchair!
[Y/N]: Then you'll be the first, they'll call you the Red Headed Wheel Knight.
Yakan: You better move before she attacks you.

A fire could be seen in her Green eyes as she rolled off to train somewhere else. [Y/N] looked over and saw a familiar face.

Kam: Howdy Shitheads, I heard you beat strongest stand user in the world, isn't that right.
Yakan: Yeah, [Y/N] trapped him in Limbo for all of eternity.
Kam: Cool, anyway I came to talk to Melleo.
[Y/N]: She's over there.

Kam walked over towards Melleo who was lost in thought, until she heard his voice.

Melleo: Hey, you got your stuff together and said your goodbyes to your loved ones, you won't see them in awhile?
Kam: Yep lets go.
Yakan: Where are you guys going?
Melleo: X said, that I'm not complete without truly understanding the capability of stands and their users, so he sent me on an assignment to find someone willing to join the High 6 and train them to become one.
[Y/N]: how long till we see you again?

They walked off into the wilderness beyond the the town and [Y/N] and their friends waved the off.

Gine POV

I went to the foreteller's house and gave a request. She accepted and I now have my own mission. I wanted to bring my brother back to life and she told me to go find a man named Shu and he will give me what I want. I asked where is he and she told me the mountains. Before I left she gave me a vision of what he looks like. In the vision I saw White Spiky hair and red eyes to go with such pale skin. I left the foreteller's house and began my quest. I past up the winners of the war and took a break when I finally reached the mountains. I had a travel bag with me and started climbing the mountains after 30 minutes of rest, after awhile I came to a stopping point, a Boulder was blocking my path and I couldn't move it. I rested for awhile until I saw a bear with a weird aura around it. I wondered if it was a stand user, then it spotted me and growled, I was ready to activate my stand but it roared super loudly and it echoed throughout the mountains. My ears were ringing and I couldn't concentrate as it rushed towards me, then in the corner of my eye I saw a figure punch it into the a mountain. The impact created smoke and I could only see a silhouette of the figure and it got closer. By the time the smoke cleared it looked to be Shu from the vision.

Shu: what are you doing here, don't you know it's dangerous to be in the mountains alone?
Gine: I'm looking for you.
Shu: Why, are you here to capture me?
Gine: No, I want to ask you a favor.
Shu: ...Alright, ask away I'm bored anyway.
Gine: I want you to bring back my brother
Shu: Such a request comes with such a cost.
Gine: Fine, but this better not be some weird request.
Shu: I'm looking for a map left by Shinji in the mountains, I need help finding it.
Gine: Fine, I guess finding it won't be so bad.

Gine and Shu paired up and went into the unknown of the mountains to find a map that will supposedly lead to a tree hidden in the town that can revert a person who is a stand user back to normal.

1 Year Later from Shinji's Defeat and 3rd POV

Melleo and Kam walked back into town and their first instinct was to find Zenneth and the others. [Y/N] found them first and recognized Melleo instantly as her blonde hair went to her waist. Seeing Kam with uncut messy brown hair caused [Y/N] to question his identity. Soon Zenneth arrived with Sierra and greeted the 2, being happy to see them after so long. To commemorate the moment they all decided to take a picture before the tournament started. There was a tournament 6 months ago and Zenneth won. Melleo who was now a 19 year old with no job decided to stay at Zenneth's house for awhile. Even though [Y/N] and Yakan were 16, all there stuff is free since Yakan is High 6. Kam spotted Seni and the 2 rejoiced of being together again.

Zenneth: I forgot about his little girlfriend.
Melleo: Aren't you 17 and still single?
X: Aren't you dating the paralyzed Female?
Sierra: Zenneth I really hate your Protagonist syndrome.

Sierra used her stand to launch herself at Zenneth. As he caught her she kissed him on the cheek.

Zenneth: Wait did all of you knew that she liked me?
Zenneth: Damn i hate protagonist syndrome
[Y/N]: Lets get going to the tournament, I wanna see who the 4th high 6 member will be.

Gine POV

It's been over 300 days since I set out on this quest to revive my brother. I kept a journal with me to show progress and as the pages grow shorter, I feel like the quest is also. There is 10% of unexplored territory left but we found a abandoned mansion yesterday and we both plan to explore it today. I got to know Shu a little more over this past year, he's more determined about his goal and overtime became more protective towards me. When we entered we encountered many golems fileld with stand energy/aura, but Shu dispatched them with ease after a couple of tries. I can see his powers growing stronger each time he fights. This journey was fun and a good time killer and exciting. When he finally found the map it showed to be in the High 6 base, so we decided to pay a visit to them. A tournament was being held and Shu entered under the name of Jin and with the intention of winning he was unstoppable. When he won he became an official member of the high 6 and revealed his name to be Shu and found the fruit. I took him to the place where my deceased body was laying to rest and after 2 minutes, a zombie appeared not my brother. He killed it and I realized o have no life goal and started crying. Shu hugged me and apologized, to with nothing else to do I started living with Shu in the mountains, I had nothing else to do with a purpose, I just decided to stay with him since I enjoyed and endured it for a year.

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