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  • Dedicated to The one who I secretely love, but can never have.

I am happy my love

I am happy for you

A wish of love

Eternal happiness

My joy in life

I live for you

I breathe for you

only you

If only you could see

The way I look at you

My sad lonely brown eyes

That long for your tender gaze upon them

You are my last thought

As i lay down for the night

Under the cover of ignorant stars

I dream of the day

You finally notice me

But after all

They are just


When I wake

They vanish

A haunting mirage

Of things that will never be

I'd give you my last wish

To you

I love you in every single way

But you don't even know

Who I am

Or even my love for you


My last wish

I give to you

Is of never-ending




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